gam(c$Mortality~s(c$Age)+c$Group,family = binomial(link = "logit"), + data = c)
时间: 2024-02-15 14:48:25 浏览: 58
As an AI language model, I cannot fully understand the context and the specific requirements of the code you provided. However, I can explain the general purpose and syntax of the code.
The code is using the gam function from the mgcv package in R to fit a generalized additive model (GAM) to the data in the c dataframe. The formula c$Mortality~s(c$Age) c$Group specifies that the mortality variable in the c dataframe is the response variable, and it is modeled as a function of age and group variables. The s() function is used to specify that the age variable is modeled using a smooth function.
The family argument is set to binomial with a logit link, indicating that the response variable follows a binomial distribution (i.e., a binary outcome - dead or alive) and the logit link function is used to relate the predictor variables to the response variable.
Overall, the code is fitting a GAM to the data to investigate the relationship between mortality, age, and group variables.