时间: 2023-06-20 11:05:09 浏览: 96
import gurobipy as gp
from gurobipy import GRB
# Define the data for the problem
n = 5 # number of customers
V = [0] + list(range(1, n+1)) # set of vertices (customers + depot)
E = [(i, j) for i in V for j in V if i != j] # set of edges
c = {(i, j): np.sqrt((x[i]-x[j])**2 + (y[i]-y[j])**2) for i, j in E} # distance matrix
Q = 15 # capacity of each vehicle
q = {i: np.random.randint(1, 10) for i in V} # demand of each customer
M = 1000 # a large number to use as a MIP solver parameter
T = 10 # maximum allowed time window deviation
# Define the model
model = gp.Model()
# Define the decision variables
x = {}
for i, j in E:
x[i, j] = model.addVar(vtype=GRB.BINARY, name=f'x_{i}_{j}')
# Define the objective function
model.setObjective(gp.quicksum(c[i, j] * x[i, j] for i, j in E), GRB.MINIMIZE)
# Define the constraints
for i in V:
if i != 0:
model.addConstr(gp.quicksum(x[i, j] for j in V if i != j) == 1, f'outgoing_{i}')
model.addConstr(gp.quicksum(x[j, i] for j in V if i != j) == 1, f'incoming_{i}')
model.addConstr(gp.quicksum(x[i, j] for j in V if i != j) == n, 'depot_outgoing')
model.addConstr(gp.quicksum(x[j, i] for j in V if i != j) == n, 'depot_incoming')
for i in V:
for j in V:
if i != j and j != 0:
model.addConstr((gp.quicksum(q[k] * x[k, j] for k in V if k != j) <= Q), f'capacity_{i}_{j}')
for i in V:
for j in V:
if i != j:
model.addConstr((gp.quicksum(x[i, k] for k in V if k != i) - gp.quicksum(x[k, j] for k in V if k != j)) <= 0,
for i in V:
for j in V:
if i != j and j != 0:
model.addConstr(((gp.quicksum(x[i, k] * q[k] for k in V if k != i)) + T * x[i, j] - gp.quicksum(x[k, j] * q[k] for k in V if k != j)) <= T,
# Define the penalty variables and constraints
p = {}
for i, j in E:
p[i, j] = model.addVar(lb=0, ub=M, name=f'p_{i}_{j}')
for i, j in E:
model.addConstr(p[i, j] >= c[i, j] - T * (x[i, j] + x[j, i] - 1), f'penalty_{i}_{j}')
# Solve the model
# Print the solution
if model.status == GRB.OPTIMAL:
print(f'Total cost: {model.objVal}')
for i, j in E:
if x[i, j].x > 0.9:
print(f'Edge ({i}, {j}) used')
print('No solution found')