时间: 2023-05-24 19:07:16 浏览: 400
To configure lio_sam on Ubuntu 20.04, you can follow the steps below:
1. Install the necessary packages:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install targetcli-fb python3-rtslib-fb
2. Create a new target:
sudo targetcli
/iscsi create iqn.2020-01.com.example:target01
3. Create a new LUN (Logical Unit Number) and map it to the target:
cd /iscsi/iqn.2020-01.com.example:target01/tpg1/luns
create /backstores/fileio/example.img
cd /iscsi/iqn.2020-01.com.example:target01/tpg1/acls
create iqn.2020-01.com.example:initiator01
cd /iscsi/iqn.2020-01.com.example:target01/tpg1/luns
create /backstores/fileio/example.img lun0
cd /iscsi/iqn.2020-01.com.example:target01/tpg1/luns/lun0
set index=0
bind iqn.2020-01.com.example:initiator01
Note: Replace "example.img" with the name of your desired image file.
4. Exit targetcli.
5. Restart the iSCSI service.
sudo systemctl restart iscsitarget
6. Make sure the iSCSI service is enabled upon startup.
sudo systemctl enable iscsitarget
7. Use the "iscsiadm" command to discover the new target and connect to it.
sudo iscsiadm -m discovery -t st -p
sudo iscsiadm -m node -T iqn.2020-01.com.example:target01 -p -l
Note: Replace "" with the IP address of your target server.
You should now be able to use the LUN as a SCSI disk.