pkg_search_module(LIBUVC REQUIRED libuvc) 报错: -- Checking for one of the modules 'libuvc' CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-3.16/Modules/FindPkgConfig.cmake:707 (message): None of the required 'libuvc' found
时间: 2024-03-17 10:40:47 浏览: 433
这个错误提示是在使用 CMake 编译项目时,找不到 libuvc 库的位置。可能是因为您没有正确安装 libuvc 库或者 CMake 的路径没有设置正确。
1. 确认您已经正确安装了 libuvc 库。您可以通过命令行输入 `pkg-config --modversion libuvc` 来检查是否安装了该库。
2. 如果您已经安装了 libuvc 库,但是 CMake 仍然找不到该库,那么您需要设置 CMake 的路径。您可以通过设置环境变量 `PKG_CONFIG_PATH` 来告诉 CMake 库的位置。例如,如果您的 libuvc 库在 `/usr/local/lib/` 目录下,那么您可以执行以下命令:
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig
3. 如果上述步骤仍然无法解决问题,那么您可以尝试在 CMakeLists.txt 中手动添加 libuvc 库的路径,例如:
CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-3.10/Modules/FindPkgConfig.cmake:419 (message): A required package was not found Call Stack (most recent call first): /usr/share/cmake-3.10/Modules/FindPkgConfig.cmake:597 (_pkg_check_modules_internal) usb_cam/CMakeLists.txt:10 (pkg_check_modules)
根据错误信息中的提示,错误发生在 `/usr/share/cmake-3.10/Modules/FindPkgConfig.cmake` 这个文件中的第 419 行。这个文件是 CMake 的模块之一,用于查找和配置依赖包。
1. 检查你的系统是否安装了所需的依赖包。可以使用包管理工具(如 apt、yum、brew 等)来安装缺失的软件包。根据错误信息中的上下文,你可以查看 `usb_cam/CMakeLists.txt` 文件的第 10 行,以了解缺少的软件包的名称。
2. 如果软件包已经安装,但版本不匹配,你可以尝试更新软件包到正确的版本。
3. 如果项目要求的软件包版本与系统中已安装的软件包版本不兼容,你可能需要手动编译和安装正确版本的软件包。
-- Found PkgConfig: /usr/bin/pkg-config (found version "1.7.3") -- Checking for module 'libtirpc' -- Package 'libtirpc', required by 'virtual:world', not found CMake Error at cmake/rpc.cmake:65 (MESSAGE): Could not find rpc/rpc.h in /usr/include or /usr/include/tirpc Call Stack (most recent call first): plugin/group_replication/libmysqlgcs/configure.cmake:57 (MYSQL_CHECK_RPC) plugin/group_replication/libmysqlgcs/CMakeLists.txt:28 (INCLUDE)
It seems like there is an error in the CMake configuration. The error message indicates that the 'libtirpc' package is not found, which is required by 'virtual:world'. Additionally, the error points to the 'rpc.cmake' file and specifically the line 65 where it checks for the existence of 'rpc/rpc.h' in the '/usr/include' or '/usr/include/tirpc' directories.
To resolve this issue, you can try the following steps:
1. Make sure the 'libtirpc' package is installed on your system. You can use the package manager of your Linux distribution to install it. For example, on Ubuntu, you can run the following command:
sudo apt-get install libtirpc-dev
2. If the package is already installed, you might need to specify the correct path to the 'libtirpc' library in your CMake configuration. You can do this by setting the `CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH` variable to the installation directory of 'libtirpc'. For example:
cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/path/to/libtirpc ..
3. If the issue persists, you can check if the 'rpc/rpc.h' header file is present in the expected directories. If not, you might need to install additional development packages or update your system's include paths.
Make sure to clean the build directory and re-run CMake after applying any changes to ensure they take effect.