for j in vals:
时间: 2024-05-31 09:14:09 浏览: 69
This is a Python for loop that iterates over the values in the iterable object `vals`. On each iteration, the loop variable `j` is assigned to the current value from `vals`. The block of code inside the loop is executed for each value in turn. The loop continues until all values in `vals` have been processed.
def dataset3Params(X, y, Xval, yval,vals): #找到最优C和gamma """ Returns your choice of C and sigma. You should complete this function to return the optimal C and sigma based on a cross-validation set. """ acc = 0 best_c=0 #初始化C best_gamma=0 #初始化gamma for i in vals: #遍历vals中所有的参数C C= i for j in vals: #遍历所有C与gamma的组合 gamma = 1/j classifier = SVC(C=C,gamma=gamma),y) prediction = classifier.predict(Xval) score = classifier.score(Xval,yval) if score>acc: acc =score best_c =C best_gamma=gamma return best_c, best_gamma
for j in vals是什么意思
"for j in vals" 是 Python 中的一个循环语句,其中 "vals" 是一个可迭代对象,例如列表、元组或集合。这个循环将会遍历 "vals" 中的每个元素,并将其赋值给变量 "j",在每次迭代时执行循环体中的代码。因此,"for j in vals" 的意思是对于 "vals" 中的每个元素,都执行循环体中的代码,其中当前元素的值被赋给变量 "j"。