python实现Shanks算法编写程序,设p=809,计算log3 25,验证3^309=525(mod 809)
时间: 2024-03-03 16:49:58 浏览: 110
from math import ceil, sqrt
def shanks(p, g, h):
# Step 1: Compute m
m = ceil(sqrt(p - 1))
# Step 2: Compute the list of baby steps
baby_steps = []
for i in range(m):
baby_steps.append(pow(g, i, p))
# Step 3: Compute the list of giant steps
giant_steps = []
inv_g = pow(g, p - 2, p) # Fermat's Little Theorem
for j in range(m):
giant_steps.append((h * pow(inv_g, j * m, p)) % p)
# Step 4: Find the match
for i in range(m):
for j in range(m):
if baby_steps[i] == giant_steps[j]:
return i + j * m
# Step 5: No match found
return None
# Test
p = 809
g = 3
h = 525
x = shanks(p, g, h)
print(f"log{g} {h} = {x}")
if pow(g, x, p) == h:
print("Verification passed.")
print("Verification failed.")
根据题目要求,p=809,g=3,h=525,我们可以直接运行程序得到log3 525的值为309。然后再计算一次3的309次方除以809取模的值,结果为525,验证通过。