时间: 2024-12-12 12:27:17 浏览: 15
import numpy as np
def gaussian_plume_model(x, y, uwind, vwind, dispersion_coeff, emission_height, t, dt):
Gaussian Plume Model for neutral atmospheric dispersion.
x, y (array-like): Cartesian coordinates in the horizontal plane.
uwind, vwind (floats): Wind speed components (Ux, Vy) in m/s.
dispersion_coeff (float): Turbulent diffusion coefficient, kappa in m^2/s.
emission_height (float): Emission height above ground level in meters.
t, dt (floats): Time in seconds and time step for calculation.
array-like: Contaminant concentration at given points.
R = np.sqrt((dispersion_coeff * (t + dt)**2) / (2 * 9.81)) # Effective plume radius
z0 = 0.7 # Roughness length for momentum flux (assumed)
wind_dir_rad = np.arctan2(uwind, vwind) # Wind direction in radians
# Calculate distance from center
r = np.hypot(np.subtract.outer(x, 0), np.subtract.outer(y, emission_height))
# Apply Gaussian decay with respect to distance
exp_term = - ((r**2 + (R*np.cos(wind_dir_rad))^2) / (2*R**2))
concentration = np.exp(exp_term)
# Apply stability correction for neutral conditions (no wind shear)
stability_correction = np.exp(-((z0 / r)**1.5))
concentration *= stability_correction
return concentration
# Example usage
x_grid = np.linspace(0, 1000, 100)
y_grid = np.linspace(0, 1000, 100)
uwind = 5
vwind = 5
dispersion_coeff = 0.067
emission_height = 30
time_steps = [0, 1, 3] # Simulate after 0, 1, and 3 minutes
for t in time_steps:
c_at_t = gaussian_plume_model(x_grid, y_grid, uwind, vwind, dispersion_coeff, emission_height, t, 1)
print(f"Concentration at {t} minutes: \n{c_at_t}")