问题描述 Give you some integers, your task is to sort these number ascending (升序). You should know how easy the problem is now! Good luck! 输入描述 Input contains multiple test cases. The first line of the input is a single integer T which is the number of test cases. T test cases follow. Each test case contains an integer N (1<=N<=20) and then N integers follow in the same line. It is guarantied that all integers are in the range of 32-int. 输出描述 For each case, print the sorting result, and one line one case. 样例输入 2 3 2 1 3 9 1 4 7 2 5 8 3 6 9 样例输出 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9用C语言怎么编写

时间: 2023-12-01 09:03:36 浏览: 91
以下是用C语言编写的代码,实现对多组输入数据进行排序并输出结果: ``` #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int cmp(const void *a, const void *b) { return (*(int *)a - *(int *)b); } int main() { int T, N, i, j; scanf("%d", &T); while (T--) { scanf("%d", &N); int a[N]; for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { scanf("%d", &a[i]); } qsort(a, N, sizeof(int), cmp); for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { printf("%d ", a[i]); } printf("\n"); } return 0; } ``` 代码解析: 1. 首先读入测试数据组数T; 2. 对于每一组测试数据,先读入该组数据中数字的个数N,然后读入N个整数存放在数组a中; 3. 调用C标准库中的qsort函数对数组a进行升序排序,排序使用到了一个自定义的比较函数cmp; 4. 最后输出排序后的结果。 其中自定义的比较函数cmp是用来告诉qsort函数如何进行排序的,该函数的实现方式是比较两个数的大小,如果a小于b,返回负数;如果a等于b,返回0;如果a大于b,返回正数。在本题中,我们只需要比较整数的大小,所以可以直接使用a-b的方式进行比较。


Solve the problem with c++ code, and give your code: Ack Country has N cities connected by M one-way channels. The cities occupied by the rebels are numbered 1, while the capital of Ack country is numbered N. In order to reduce the loss of effective force, you are permitted to use self-propelled bombers for this task. Any bomber enters the capital, your job is done. This seems simple enough, but the only difficulty is that many cities in Ack Country are covered by shields. If a city is protected by a shield, all shield generators that maintain the shield need to be destroyed before the bomber can enter or pass through the city. Fortunately, we know the cities where all the shield generators are located, and which cities' shields are being charged. If the bomber enters a city, all of its shield generators can be destroyed instantly. You can release any number of Bombermen and execute any command at the same time, but it takes time for bombermen to pass through the roads between cities. Please figure out how soon you can blow up Ack Nation's capital. The clock is ticking. Input: Two positive integers N,M in the first row. The next M lines, each with three positive integers, indicate that there is a road leading from the city to the city. It takes w time for the bomber to cross this road. Then N lines, each describing a city's shield. The first is a positive integer n, representing the number of shield generators that maintain shields in the city. Then n_i city numbers between 1 and N, indicating the location of each shield generator. In other words, if your bomber needs to enter the city, the bomber needs to enter all the entered cities in advance. If n_i=0, the city has no shields. Guarantee n_i=0.Output: a positive integer, the minimum time to blow up the capital. e.g., Input: 6 6 1 2 1 1 4 3 2 3 3 2 5 2 4 6 2 5 3 2 0 0 0 1 3 0 2 3 5, Output: 6.

Problem B Double Rainbow Time Limit: 1 Second Let 𝑃 be a set of 𝑛 points on the 𝑥-axis and each of the points is colored with one of the colors 1,2, . . . , 𝑘. For each color 𝑖 of the 𝑘 colors, there is at least one point in 𝑃 which is colored with 𝑖. For a set 𝑃 ′ of consecutive points from 𝑃, if both 𝑃 ′ and 𝑃 ∖ 𝑃 ′ contain at least one point of each color, then we say that 𝑃 ′ makes a double rainbow. See the below figure as an example. The set 𝑃 consists of ten points and each of the points is colored by one of the colors 1, 2, 3, and 4. The set 𝑃 ′ of the five consecutive points contained in the rectangle makes a double rainbow. Given a set 𝑃 of points and the number 𝑘 of colors as input, write a program that computes and prints out the minimum size of 𝑃 ′ that makes a double rainbow. Input Your program is to read from standard input. The input starts with a line containing two integers 𝑛 and 𝑘 (1 ≤ 𝑘 ≤ 𝑛 ≤ 10,000), where 𝑛 is the number of the points in 𝑃 and 𝑘 is the number of the colors. Each of the following 𝑛 lines consists of an integer from 1 to 𝑘, inclusively, and the 𝑖-th line corresponds to the color of the 𝑖-th point of 𝑃 from the left. Output Your program is to write to standard output. Print exactly one line. The line should contain the minimum size of 𝑃 ′ that makes a double rainbow. If there is no such 𝑃 ′ , print 0. The following shows sample input and output for two test cases. 具体步骤

用C语言解决下列问题:Kirill wants to weave the very beautiful blanket consisting of n×m of the same size square patches of some colors. He matched some non-negative integer to each color. Thus, in our problem, the blanket can be considered a B matrix of size n×m consisting of non-negative integers. Kirill considers that the blanket is very beautiful, if for each submatrix A of size 4×4 of the matrix B is true: A11⊕A12⊕A21⊕A22=A33⊕A34⊕A43⊕A44, A13⊕A14⊕A23⊕A24=A31⊕A32⊕A41⊕A42, where ⊕ means bitwise exclusive OR Kirill asks you to help her weave a very beautiful blanket, and as colorful as possible! He gives you two integers n and m . Your task is to generate a matrix B of size n×m , which corresponds to a very beautiful blanket and in which the number of different numbers maximized. Input The first line of input data contains one integer number t (1≤t≤1000 ) — the number of test cases. The single line of each test case contains two integers n and m (4≤n,m≤200) — the size of matrix B . It is guaranteed that the sum of n⋅m does not exceed 2⋅105 . Output For each test case, in first line output one integer cnt (1≤cnt≤n⋅m) — the maximum number of different numbers in the matrix. Then output the matrix B (0≤Bij<263) of size n×m . If there are several correct matrices, it is allowed to output any one. It can be shown that if there exists a matrix with an optimal number of distinct numbers, then there exists among suitable matrices such a B that (0≤Bij<263) .

Robert is a famous engineer. One day he was given a task by his boss. The background of the task was the following: Given a map consisting of square blocks. There were three kinds of blocks: Wall, Grass, and Empty. His boss wanted to place as many robots as possible in the map. Each robot held a laser weapon which could shoot to four directions (north, east, south, west) simultaneously. A robot had to stay at the block where it was initially placed all the time and to keep firing all the time. The laser beams certainly could pass the grid of Grass, but could not pass the grid of Wall. A robot could only be placed in an Empty block. Surely the boss would not want to see one robot hurting another. In other words, two robots must not be placed in one line (horizontally or vertically) unless there is a Wall between them. Now that you are such a smart programmer and one of Robert's best friends, He is asking you to help him solving this problem. That is, given the description of a map, compute the maximum number of robots that can be placed in the map. Input The first line contains an integer T (<= 11) which is the number of test cases. For each test case, the first line contains two integers m and n (1<= m, n <=50) which are the row and column sizes of the map. Then m lines follow, each contains n characters of '#', '', or 'o' which represent Wall, Grass, and Empty, respectively. Output For each test case, first output the case number in one line, in the format: "Case :id" where id is the test case number, counting from 1. In the second line just output the maximum number of robots that can be placed in that map.

用c++和segment tree解决下述问题Doing Exercises 描述 As we all know, the lines of students doing exercises between classes are always unsatisfactory to teachers. Today, a teacher wants to require something new. Firstly, he lets some students of N classes correspondingly form n lines. Then, he randomly selects a class to add some of its remaining students to its line, or selects a class to let some students leave its line, or lets the monitors from some adjacent classes report the total number of students in all these classes. This is very annoying for the monitors. Can you write a program to help them complete the reporting task? 输入 The first line is an integer T (T<50), the number of test cases. For each test case, its first line is an integer N (1<=N<=50000), representing the number of classes, and its second line include N integers (a1, a2, a3, ... , an), and ai (1<=ai<=100) means the number of students in the line of class i at the beginning. Then, each next line will be an order. There are 4 kinds of orders: (1) "Add x i" means adding x students to the line of class i; (2) "Sub x i" means that x students leave the line of class i; (3) "Query i j" means that the monitors from class i to class j report the teacher the total number (sum) of students in their classes at that moment (i<j); (4) "End" means ending the exercises, which will only appear at the end of each test case. The number of orders will not exceed 40000. The number of students in any line will never below 0. 输出 For each test case, you must print "Case i:" in the first line. Then for each Query, print the result in one line.

1444. Elephpotamus Time limit: 0.5 second Memory limit: 64 MB Harry Potter is taking an examination in Care for Magical Creatures. His task is to feed a dwarf elephpotamus. Harry remembers that elephpotamuses are very straightforward and imperturbable. In fact, they are so straightforward that always move along a straight line and they are so imperturbable that only move when attracted by something really tasty. In addition, if an elephpotamus stumbles into a chain of its own footprints, it falls into a stupor and refuses to go anywhere. According to Hagrid, elephpotamuses usually get back home moving along their footprints. This is why they never cross them, otherwise they may get lost. When an elephpotamus sees its footprints, it tries to remember in detail all its movements since leaving home (this is also the reason why they move along straight lines only, this way it is easier to memorize). Basing on this information, the animal calculates in which direction its burrow is situated, then turns and goes straight to it. It takes some (rather large) time for an elephpotamus to perform these calculations. And what some ignoramuses recognize as a stupor is in fact a demonstration of outstanding calculating abilities of this wonderful, though a bit slow-witted creature. Elephpotamuses' favorite dainty is elephant pumpkins, and some of such pumpkins grow on the lawn where Harry is to take his exam. At the start of the exam, Hagrid will drag the elephpotamus to one of the pumpkins. Having fed the animal with a pumpkin, Harry can direct it to any of the remaining pumpkins. In order to pass the exam, Harry must lead the elephpotamus so that it eats as many pumpkins as possible before it comes across its footprints. Input The first input line contains the number of pumpkins on the lawn N (3 ≤ N ≤ 30000). The pumpkins are numbered from 1 to N, the number one being assigned to the pumpkin to which the animal is brought at the start of the trial. In the next N lines, the coordinates of the pumpkins are given in the order corresponding to their numbers. All the coordinates are integers in the range from −1000 to 1000. It is guaranteed that there are no two pumpkins at the same location and there is no straight line passing through all the pumpkins. Output In the first line write the maximal number K of pumpkins that can be fed to the elephpotamus. In the next K lines, output the order in which the animal will eat them, giving one number in a line. The first number in this sequence must always be 1.写一段Java完成此目的



使用 Simulink(R) 在 AWGN 信道上执行带穿孔的软判决维特比解码.rar

1.版本:matlab2014/2019a/2024a 2.附赠案例数据可直接运行matlab程序。 3.代码特点:参数化编程、参数可方便更改、代码编程思路清晰、注释明细。 4.适用对象:计算机,电子信息工程、数学等专业的大学生课程设计、期末大作业和毕业设计。 替换数据可以直接使用,注释清楚,适合新手


1.版本:matlab2014/2019a/2024a 2.附赠案例数据可直接运行matlab程序。 3.代码特点:参数化编程、参数可方便更改、代码编程思路清晰、注释明细。 4.适用对象:计算机,电子信息工程、数学等专业的大学生课程设计、期末大作业和毕业设计。 替换数据可以直接使用,注释清楚,适合新手


资源摘要信息:"Siamese网络是一种特殊的神经网络,主要用于度量学习任务中,例如人脸验证、签名识别或任何需要判断两个输入是否相似的场景。本资源中的实现例子是在MNIST数据集上训练的,MNIST是一个包含了手写数字的大型数据集,广泛用于训练各种图像处理系统。在这个例子中,Siamese网络被用来将手写数字图像嵌入到2D空间中,同时保留它们之间的相似性信息。通过这个过程,数字图像能够被映射到一个欧几里得空间,其中相似的图像在空间上彼此接近,不相似的图像则相对远离。 具体到技术层面,Siamese网络由两个相同的子网络构成,这两个子网络共享权重并且并行处理两个不同的输入。在本例中,这两个子网络可能被设计为卷积神经网络(CNN),因为CNN在图像识别任务中表现出色。网络的输入是成对的手写数字图像,输出是一个相似性分数或者距离度量,表明这两个图像是否属于同一类别。 为了训练Siamese网络,需要定义一个损失函数来指导网络学习如何区分相似与不相似的输入对。常见的损失函数包括对比损失(Contrastive Loss)和三元组损失(Triplet Loss)。对比损失函数关注于同一类别的图像对(正样本对)以及不同类别的图像对(负样本对),鼓励网络减小正样本对的距离同时增加负样本对的距离。 在Lua语言环境中,Siamese网络的实现可以通过Lua的深度学习库,如Torch/LuaTorch,来构建。Torch/LuaTorch是一个强大的科学计算框架,它支持GPU加速,广泛应用于机器学习和深度学习领域。通过这个框架,开发者可以使用Lua语言定义模型结构、配置训练过程、执行前向和反向传播算法等。 资源的文件名称列表中的“siamese_network-master”暗示了一个主分支,它可能包含模型定义、训练脚本、测试脚本等。这个主分支中的代码结构可能包括以下部分: 1. 数据加载器(data_loader): 负责加载MNIST数据集并将图像对输入到网络中。 2. 模型定义(model.lua): 定义Siamese网络的结构,包括两个并行的子网络以及最后的相似性度量层。 3. 训练脚本(train.lua): 包含模型训练的过程,如前向传播、损失计算、反向传播和参数更新。 4. 测试脚本(test.lua): 用于评估训练好的模型在验证集或者测试集上的性能。 5. 配置文件(config.lua): 包含了网络结构和训练过程的超参数设置,如学习率、批量大小等。 Siamese网络在实际应用中可以广泛用于各种需要比较两个输入相似性的场合,例如医学图像分析、安全验证系统等。通过本资源中的示例,开发者可以深入理解Siamese网络的工作原理,并在自己的项目中实现类似的网络结构来解决实际问题。"


管理Boualem Benatallah引用此版本:布阿利姆·贝纳塔拉。管理建模和仿真。约瑟夫-傅立叶大学-格勒诺布尔第一大学,1996年。法语。NNT:电话:00345357HAL ID:电话:00345357https://theses.hal.science/tel-003453572008年12月9日提交HAL是一个多学科的开放存取档案馆,用于存放和传播科学研究论文,无论它们是否被公开。论文可以来自法国或国外的教学和研究机构,也可以来自公共或私人研究中心。L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire


![L2正则化的终极指南:从入门到精通,揭秘机器学习中的性能优化技巧](https://img-blog.csdnimg.cn/20191008175634343.png?x-oss-process=image/watermark,type_ZmFuZ3poZW5naGVpdGk,shadow_10,text_aHR0cHM6Ly9ibG9nLmNzZG4ubmV0L3dlaXhpbl80MTYxMTA0NQ==,size_16,color_FFFFFF,t_70) # 1. L2正则化基础概念 在机器学习和统计建模中,L2正则化是一个广泛应用的技巧,用于改进模型的泛化能力。正则化是解决过拟


构建一个符合GB/T19716和ISO/IEC13335标准的信息安全事件管理框架,需要遵循一系列步骤来确保信息系统的安全性和业务连续性规划的有效性。首先,组织需要明确信息安全事件的定义,理解信息安全事态和信息安全事件的区别,并建立事件分类和分级机制。 参考资源链接:[信息安全事件管理:策略与响应指南](https://wenku.csdn.net/doc/5f6b2umknn?spm=1055.2569.3001.10343) 依照GB/T19716标准,组织应制定信息安全事件管理策略,明确组织内各个层级的角色与职责。此外,需要设置信息安全事件响应组(ISIRT),并为其配备必要的资源、

Angular插件增强Application Insights JavaScript SDK功能

资源摘要信息:"Microsoft Application Insights JavaScript SDK-Angular插件" 知识点详细说明: 1. 插件用途与功能: Microsoft Application Insights JavaScript SDK-Angular插件主要用途在于增强Application Insights的Javascript SDK在Angular应用程序中的功能性。通过使用该插件,开发者可以轻松地在Angular项目中实现对特定事件的监控和数据收集,其中包括: - 跟踪路由器更改:插件能够检测和报告Angular路由的变化事件,有助于开发者理解用户如何与应用程序的导航功能互动。 - 跟踪未捕获的异常:该插件可以捕获并记录所有在Angular应用中未被捕获的异常,从而帮助开发团队快速定位和解决生产环境中的问题。 2. 兼容性问题: 在使用Angular插件时,必须注意其与es3不兼容的限制。es3(ECMAScript 3)是一种较旧的JavaScript标准,已广泛被es5及更新的标准所替代。因此,当开发Angular应用时,需要确保项目使用的是兼容现代JavaScript标准的构建配置。 3. 安装与入门: 要开始使用Application Insights Angular插件,开发者需要遵循几个简单的步骤: - 首先,通过npm(Node.js的包管理器)安装Application Insights Angular插件包。具体命令为:npm install @microsoft/applicationinsights-angularplugin-js。 - 接下来,开发者需要在Angular应用的适当组件或服务中设置Application Insights实例。这一过程涉及到了导入相关的类和方法,并根据Application Insights的官方文档进行配置。 4. 基本用法示例: 文档中提到的“基本用法”部分给出的示例代码展示了如何在Angular应用中设置Application Insights实例。示例中首先通过import语句引入了Angular框架的Component装饰器以及Application Insights的类。然后,通过Component装饰器定义了一个Angular组件,这个组件是应用的一个基本单元,负责处理视图和用户交互。在组件类中,开发者可以设置Application Insights的实例,并将插件添加到实例中,从而启用特定的功能。 5. TypeScript标签的含义: TypeScript是JavaScript的一个超集,它添加了类型系统和一些其他特性,以帮助开发更大型的JavaScript应用。使用TypeScript可以提高代码的可读性和可维护性,并且可以利用TypeScript提供的强类型特性来在编译阶段就发现潜在的错误。文档中提到的标签"TypeScript"强调了该插件及其示例代码是用TypeScript编写的,因此在实际应用中也需要以TypeScript来开发和维护。 6. 压缩包子文件的文件名称列表: 在实际的项目部署中,可能会用到压缩包子文件(通常是一些JavaScript库的压缩和打包后的文件)。在本例中,"applicationinsights-angularplugin-js-main"很可能是该插件主要的入口文件或者压缩包文件的名称。在开发过程中,开发者需要确保引用了正确的文件,以便将插件的功能正确地集成到项目中。 总结而言,Application Insights Angular插件是为了加强在Angular应用中使用Application Insights Javascript SDK的能力,帮助开发者更好地监控和分析应用的运行情况。通过使用该插件,可以跟踪路由器更改和未捕获异常等关键信息。安装与配置过程简单明了,但是需要注意兼容性问题以及正确引用文件,以确保插件能够顺利工作。


多样性她- 事实上SCI NCES你的时间表ECOLEDO C Tora SC和NCESPOUR l’Ingén学习互动,互动学习以行动为中心的强化学习学会互动,互动学习,以行动为中心的强化学习计算机科学博士论文于2021年9月28日在Villeneuve d'Asq公开支持马修·瑟林评审团主席法布里斯·勒菲弗尔阿维尼翁大学教授论文指导奥利维尔·皮耶昆谷歌研究教授:智囊团论文联合主任菲利普·普雷教授,大学。里尔/CRISTAL/因里亚报告员奥利维耶·西格德索邦大学报告员卢多维奇·德诺耶教授,Facebook /索邦大学审查员越南圣迈IMT Atlantic高级讲师邀请弗洛里安·斯特鲁布博士,Deepmind对于那些及时看到自己错误的人...3谢谢你首先,我要感谢我的两位博士生导师Olivier和Philippe。奥利维尔,"站在巨人的肩膀上"这句话对你来说完全有意义了。从科学上讲,你知道在这篇论文的(许多)错误中,你是我可以依


![L1正则化模型诊断指南:如何检查模型假设与识别异常值(诊断流程+案例研究)](https://www.dmitrymakarov.ru/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/lr_lev_inf-1024x578.jpg) # 1. L1正则化模型概述 L1正则化,也被称为Lasso回归,是一种用于模型特征选择和复杂度控制的方法。它通过在损失函数中加入与模型权重相关的L1惩罚项来实现。L1正则化的作用机制是引导某些模型参数缩小至零,使得模型在学习过程中具有自动特征选择的功能,因此能够产生更加稀疏的模型。本章将从L1正则化的基础概念出发,逐步深入到其在机器学习中的应用和优势


为了帮助你构建一个符合GB/T19716和ISO/IEC13335标准的信息安全事件管理框架,同时确保业务连续性规划的有效性,你需要从以下几个方面入手:(详细步骤、代码、mermaid流程图、扩展内容,此处略) 参考资源链接:[信息安全事件管理:策略与响应指南](https://wenku.csdn.net/doc/5f6b2umknn?spm=1055.2569.3001.10343) 在构建框架时,首先应明确信息安全事件和信息安全事态的定义,理解它们之间如何相互关联。GB/T19716-2005和GB/Z20986-2007标准为你提供了基础框架和分类分级指南,帮助你