解释parfor i = 1:row location = find(Labels(i, :) == 1); location = location - 1; New_Labels = [New_Labels; location]; end
时间: 2024-05-31 15:08:34 浏览: 117
parfor i = 1:row location = find(Labels(i, :) == 1); location = location - 1; New_Labels = [New_Labels; location]; end
This code uses a parallel for loop (parfor) to iterate over each row of a matrix called Labels.
Within each iteration, the code finds the index of the first occurrence of the number 1 in the i-th row of Labels using the find function. It then subtracts 1 from this index to get the location of the last occurrence of the number 0 before the 1.
This location is added to a new matrix called New_Labels using vertical concatenation (the semicolon).
At the end of the loop, New_Labels contains the locations of the last 0s in each row of Labels that precede the first occurrence of 1.
parfor i=1:layer.numChannels Z(:,:,i)=edge(Y,'sobel'); end
The code snippet above is using the parallel computing feature of MATLAB, specifically the "parfor" loop, to apply the Sobel edge detection algorithm on each channel of a layered image.
The input image is represented by the variable "Y" and the number of channels or layers is stored in "layer.numChannels".
Within the loop, the edge function is applied to each channel using the Sobel filter, which calculates the gradient of the image intensity values in the x and y directions. The resulting edge map is stored in the variable "Z" for each channel.
By using "parfor", MATLAB will automatically distribute the loop iterations across multiple processing cores, potentially reducing the execution time compared to a regular "for" loop.