python的KeyError: 'date'
时间: 2024-01-21 22:02:37 浏览: 350
1. 你在尝试获取一个不存在的键值,即字典中没有该键;
2. 你可能在对字典进行操作时,将该键删除了;
3. 你可能在对字典进行操作时,将该键的值赋为了 None 或者其他无效值。
你可以通过在代码中添加一些调试信息,或者使用 try/except 语句来捕获 KeyError 异常并进行处理,以找出具体原因并解决问题。
python:KeyError: 'trade_date'
This error occurs when you are trying to access a key in a dictionary that does not exist. In this case, it seems like you are trying to access the key 'trade_date' but it is not present in the dictionary.
To fix this error, you should check the dictionary to ensure that the key 'trade_date' exists before trying to access it. You can use the `in` keyword to check if a key exists in a dictionary.
For example:
if 'trade_date' in my_dict:
# Access the value of the 'trade_date' key
trade_date = my_dict['trade_date']
# Handle the case where the 'trade_date' key does not exist
print("The 'trade_date' key does not exist in the dictionary.")
Alternatively, you can use the `get()` method of the dictionary, which returns `None` if the key does not exist:
# Access the value of the 'trade_date' key, or return None if it does not exist
trade_date = my_dict.get('trade_date')
if trade_date is not None:
# Do something with the 'trade_date' value
# Handle the case where the 'trade_date' key does not exist
print("The 'trade_date' key does not exist in the dictionary.")
KeyError: 'Date'
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
# 将时间戳变量转换为日期字符串
df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['timestamp']).dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
# 绘制箱线图
fig, axes = plt.subplots(4, 1, figsize=(10, 16), sharex=True)
for name, ax in zip(['energy'], axes):
sns.boxplot(data=df, x='Date', y=name, ax=ax)
if ax != axes[-1]: