时间: 2023-10-30 20:50:04 浏览: 96
This line of code in Python is used to load the state dictionary of the current policy into the old policy. This is useful in reinforcement learning algorithms where we may want to update the policy based on new experiences, but also want to keep a copy of the old policy for comparison or potential rollback.
The `load_state_dict()` function is a method of PyTorch's `nn.Module` class, which is typically used for defining and training neural networks. It takes in a dictionary of parameter names mapped to their values, and sets the module's parameters to those values. In this case, it sets the parameters of the old policy to be the same as the current policy.
Note that this line assumes that `self.policy` and `self.policy_old` are both instances of PyTorch's `nn.Module` class, and that they have the same set of parameters (i.e. the same architecture).