Traceback (most recent call last): File "/mnt/d/3dsphp/example/", line 15, in <module> with h5py.File('example/as/dambreak.h5','w') as f: File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/h5py/_debian_h5py_serial/_hl/", line 507, in __init__ fid = make_fid(name, mode, userblock_size, fapl, fcpl, swmr=swmr) File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/h5py/_debian_h5py_serial/_hl/", line 226, in make_fid fid = h5f.create(name, h5f.ACC_TRUNC, fapl=fapl, fcpl=fcpl) File "h5py/_debian_h5py_serial/_objects.pyx", line 54, in h5py._debian_h5py_serial._objects.with_phil.wrapper File "h5py/_debian_h5py_serial/_objects.pyx", line 55, in h5py._debian_h5py_serial._objects.with_phil.wrapper File "h5py/_debian_h5py_serial/h5f.pyx", line 126, in h5py._debian_h5py_serial.h5f.create FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] Unable to create file (unable to open file: name = 'example/as/dambreak.h5', errno = 2, error message = 'No such file or directory', flags = 13, o_flags = 242)
时间: 2024-04-13 19:25:25 浏览: 211
这个错误提示依然是因为无法创建文件导致的。根据错误信息中的 `No such file or directory`,看起来是指定的文件路径中的某个目录不存在。
Here is the output from the autograder: --- Autodriver: Job exited with status 0 Exception checked Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/autograde/autolab/judge/", line 1, in <module> a,b=input().split() EOFError: EOF when reading a line [[question]] 1101111001101 1000001001100 [[answer]] 10110000011001 Exception checked Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/autograde/autolab/judge/", line 1, in <module> a,b=input().split() EOFError: EOF when reading a line [[question]] 1111000101000 1000101100110 [[answer]] 10111110001110 Exception checked Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/autograde/autolab/judge/", line 1, in <module> a,b=input().split() EOFError: EOF when reading a line [[question]] 1110110100100 10100001001 [[answer]] 10001010101101 Exception checked Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/autograde/autolab/judge/", line 1, in <module> a,b=input().split() EOFError: EOF when reading a line [[question]] 1000101010001 10011001111 [[answer]] 1011000100000 Exception checked Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/autograde/autolab/judge/", line 1, in <module> a,b=input().split() EOFError: EOF when reading a line [[question]] 1111101001001 1000010000111 [[answer]] 10111111010000 {"scores": {"Correctness": 0}}
看起来你的程序在运行时遇到了一个输入错误,导致输出了一个异常。这个异常是 EOFError,它表示程序在尝试读取输入时已经到达了文件的末尾。你需要确保你的程序在接收输入时,能够正确处理输入结束的情况。建议你检查你的程序并确保它能够正确地处理输入和输出。此外,你还需要检查一下你的程序是否按照要求输出了正确的答案。最后,你可以再次运行自动评分器以检查你的程序是否已经修复了这个问题。
kvm报以下错误: Unable to connect to libvirt qemu:///system. 确定 ‘libvirtd’ 守护进程正在运行。 Libvirt URI is: qemu:///system Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/share/virt-manager/virtManager/", line 1036, in _do_open
您好,对于KVM报错"Unable to connect to libvirt qemu:///system"的问题,您可以按照以下步骤进行排查和解决:
1. 确认libvirtd守护进程正在运行。您可以执行以下命令检查libvirtd状态:
sudo systemctl status libvirtd
sudo systemctl start libvirtd
2. 确保您的用户帐户已添加到libvirt和kvm组中。您可以使用以下命令检查:
sudo usermod -a -G libvirt <your_username>
sudo usermod -a -G kvm <your_username>
3. 检查libvirt URI配置是否正确。您可以在`/etc/libvirt/libvirt.conf`文件中确认`uri_default`配置项是否设置为`qemu:///system`。
4. 重新启