import random from collections import deque # 定义状态类 class State: def __init__(self, location, direction, grid): self.location = location # 吸尘器位置坐标 self.direction = direction # 吸尘器方向 self.grid = grid # 环境状态矩阵 # 定义操作符 actions = ['UP', 'DOWN', 'LEFT', 'RIGHT'] movements = { 'UP': (-1, 0), 'DOWN': (1, 0), 'LEFT': (0, -1), 'RIGHT': (0, 1) } def move(state, action): # 根据操作进行移动 row, col = state.location dr, dc = movements[action] new_location = (row + dr, col + dc) new_direction = action new_grid = state.grid.copy() new_grid[row][col] = 0 return State(new_location, new_direction, new_grid) # 实现广度优先搜索算法 def bfs(initial_state): queue = deque([initial_state]) while queue: state = queue.popleft() if is_goal_state(state): return state for action in actions: new_state = move(state, action) queue.append(new_state) return None # 判断是否为目标状态 def is_goal_state(state): for row in state.grid: for cell in row: if cell != 0: return False return True # 构造初始状态 def generate_initial_state(): location = (random.randint(0, 2), random.randint(0, 2)) direction = random.choice(actions) grid = [[1 if random.random() < 0.2 else 0 for _ in range(3)] for _ in range(3)] return State(location, direction, grid) # 运行搜索算法 initial_state = generate_initial_state() goal_state = bfs(initial_state) # 评价性能 def calculate_path_cost(state): path_cost = 0 for row in state.grid: for cell in row: if cell != 0: path_cost += 1 return path_cost def calculate_search_cost(): search_cost = 0 queue = deque([initial_state]) while queue: state = queue.popleft() search_cost += 1 if is_goal_state(state): return search_cost for action in actions: new_state = move(state, action) queue.append(new_state) return search_cost path_cost = calculate_path_cost(goal_state) search_cost = calculate_search_cost() print("目标状态路径代价:", path_cost) print("搜索开销:", search_cost) 错误为:list index out of range 请改正
时间: 2024-04-14 19:27:57 浏览: 141
1 在构造初始状态 `generate_initial_state()` 函数中,你使用了 `random.randint(0, 2)` 来生成 `location` 的随机坐标。但是,由于列表索引是从0开始的,所以应该使用 `random.randint(0, 1)` 来生成随机坐标。
2. 在 `move(state, action)` 函数中,你使用 `new_grid[row][col] = 0` 来更新 `new_grid` 中的值。然而,这会引发错误,因为你没有检查新位置是否超出了网格的范围。你可以添加一个条件来确保新位置在网格范围内:
if 0 <= row + dr < len(new_grid) and 0 <= col + dc < len(new_grid[0]):
new_grid[row][col] = 0