Notepad++ Text Processing Script: Automating Text Tasks to Enhance Work Efficiency

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# 1. Introduction to Notepad++ Text Processing Scripts Notepad++ text processing scripts are a powerful tool that allows users to automate various text processing tasks using scripting languages. Based on the Python scripting language, it offers a rich set of functions and commands for efficiently processing text data. With Notepad++ text processing scripts, users can perform a variety of tasks, including: - File operations: reading and writing files, modifying file attributes and permissions - Regular expressions: searching and replacing text, validating data formats - Database programming: connecting to databases, executing SQL statements, processing query results - GUI programming: creating graphical user interfaces for interactive operations # 2. Basic Syntax and Commands of Notepad++ Text Processing Scripts ### 2.1 Variables and Data Types #### 2.1.1 Defining and Assigning Variables In Notepad++ text processing scripts, variables are used to store data. Variable names can consist of letters, numbers, and underscores, but must not start with a number. Variables are defined using the `var` keyword, and assignment is done using the equal sign `=`. ``` var name = "John Doe"; var age = 30; ``` #### 2.1.2 Common Data Types and Conversion Methods Notepad++ text processing scripts support various data types, including: - **String (string)**: Text enclosed in quotes (`"` or `'`). - **Number (number)**: An integer or a floating-point number. - **Boolean (boolean)**: `true` or `false`. - **Array (array)**: An ordered collection of elements. - **Object (object)**: A collection of key-value pairs. Data type conversion can be done in the following ways: - **Number()**: Converts a string to a number. - **String()**: Converts a number to a string. - **Boolean()**: Converts a number or string to a boolean value. ### 2.2 Flow Control #### 2.2.1 Conditional Statements Conditional statements are used to execute different blocks of code based on conditions. Notepad++ text processing scripts support the following conditional statements: - **if-else**: If the condition is true, execute the `if` block; otherwise, execute the `else` block. - **switch-case**: Executes different blocks of code based on the condition value. ``` if (age >= 18) { // Code for adults } else { // Code for minors } switch (name) { case "John": // Code for John break; case "Mary": // Code for Mary break; default: // Code for others } ``` #### 2.2.2 Loop Statements Loop statements are used to repeatedly execute a block of code. Notepad++ text processing scripts support the following loop statements: - **for**: Used to iterate over an array or object. - **while**: Repeats executing the block of code as long as the condition is true. - **do-while**: Executes the block of code first and then checks the condition. ``` // Iterating over an array for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { // Code for array elements } // Repeating while the condition is true while (condition) { // Code if the condition is true } // Executing the block first, then checking the condition do { // Code for the block } while (condition); ``` #### 2.2.3 Functions and Parameter Passing Functions are reusable blocks of code that can accept parameters and return results. In Notepad++ text processing scripts, functions are defined using the `function` keyword, and parameters are passed using parentheses `()`. ``` // Defining a function function greet(name) { return "Hello, " + name + "!"; } // Calling a function and passing parameters var greeting = greet("John"); ``` # 3. Practical Application of Notepad++ Text Processing Scripts ### 3.1 File Operations #### 3.1.1 File Reading and Writing Operations File operations are essential functions in text processing scripts. Notepad++ provides a wealth of file operation commands for convenient file reading and writing. **File Reading** ``` file_read(filepath) ``` **Parameter Explanation:** * `filepath`: File path **Code Logic:** This command reads the contents of the specified file and returns a string. If the file does not exist or cannot be read, it returns an empty string. **File Writing** ``` file_write(filepath, content) ``` **Parameter Explanation:** * `filepath`: File path * `content`: Content to be written to the file **Code Logic:** This command writes the specified content to the specified file. If the file does not exist, it will be created automatically. If the file already exists, the existing content will be overwritten. #### 3.1.2 File Permissions and Attributes In addition to read/write operations, Not
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