Evaluation of Display Effect and Color Correction Method for ST7789 Display Screen

发布时间: 2024-09-15 02:08:56 阅读量: 17 订阅数: 15

New color correction method for multi-view video using disparity vector information

# 1. I. Introduction ### A. Prologue In today's digital age, displays have become an indispensable part of our lives and work. The ST7789 display, a common type of LCD, is widely used in various fields such as smart devices, embedded systems, and electronic products. For developers and users alike, understanding the evaluation of display effects and color correction methods for ST7789 displays is crucial. ### B. Overview of the ST7789 Display The ST7789 display is a high-resolution, high-color fidelity liquid crystal display that utilizes TFT technology to present clear and detailed images. Its wide color gamut and high contrast ratio provide users with a more realistic and vivid visual experience. ### C. Purpose and Significance This article aims to systematically introduce the display effect evaluation and color correction methods for ST7789 displays, aiding developers and users in fully understanding the characteristics of this display and how to optimize the display effects. Through the study of this article, readers can master practical testing and evaluation methods and color correction techniques to enhance display effects and apply them in real projects. # 2. Evaluation of ST7789 Display Effects A. Introduction to Display Effect Parameters The ST7789 display, as a common type of LCD, has display effect parameters including resolution, brightness, contrast, and color saturation. The resolution determines the clarity and detail of the display, while brightness and contrast directly affect the display's brightness and depth of layering. Color saturation is related to the reality and vibrancy of the display. B. Methodology for Display Effect Evaluation In evaluating the ST7789 display effects, a combination of subjective human eye assessment and objective instrument testing can be used. By observing the display effects and using professional instruments for data collection, the display effects can be comprehensively assessed. C. Actual Testing and Evaluation Results Actual testing and evaluation of the ST7789 display can reveal its performance in different scenarios. For instance, the brightness performance under indoor and outdoor lighting conditions and the degree of color reproduction in different color scenes. The evaluation results will provide important references for subsequent color correction. # 3. III. Importance of Color Correction Color correction is very important during the use of displays. The following will introduce why color correction is needed, the principles of color correction, and the impact of color correction on display effects. #### A. Why Color Correction is Necessary Color correction is to ensure that the colors displayed by the monitor match the actual colors. If there is a deviation between the displayed colors and the actual colors, users will not be able to accurately see the content on the monitor. This is especially important in applications with high color requirements, such as design, photography, and other fields. Therefore, color correction can ensure
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