
0 下载量 131 浏览量 更新于2024-01-26 收藏 156KB PPTX 举报
The presentation "Computer English Word Formation" introduces the special features of professional English for Information Technology and analyzes the word formation of computer professional terms. It emphasizes that the terminology in the field of computer science is abundant and constantly expanding due to the rapid development of technology. For example, terms such as "Internet," "Intranet," and "Extranet" have emerged with the advancement of network technology. Additionally, the presentation points out that abbreviations are also prevalent in computer terminology, as they help to save space and streamline information storage and display. Furthermore, the presentation discusses the fundamental knowledge of professional English for computer science, highlighting the need for a deep understanding of the specialized vocabulary and the principles of word formation. It emphasizes the importance of mastering the construction of computer professional terms to improve language proficiency in the field. Overall, the presentation provides valuable insights into the unique characteristics of professional English for Information Technology, as well as the analysis of word formation in computer terminology. It serves as a useful resource for students and professionals in the field to enhance their language skills and deepen their understanding of computer science terminology.