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Based on the analysis report of Chu Jian's academic research, we can see that his research papers are concentrated in several cooperative universities. The main cooperative university that stands out is Zhejiang University, where Chu Jian has been actively conducting research in the field of automatic control and intelligent systems. Zhejiang University is known for its strong research capabilities in these areas, making it an ideal institution for collaborative research in Chu Jian's field of expertise. In addition to Zhejiang University, other cooperative universities also play a significant role in Chu Jian's academic research. These universities have their own strengths and advantages in various fields related to automatic control and intelligent systems. By collaborating with these universities, Chu Jian is able to leverage their expertise and resources to further his research agenda and make significant contributions to the field. Overall, the analysis report provides valuable insights into the collaborative network of Chu Jian's academic research. By understanding which universities he has been working with and the strengths of each institution, researchers can gain a clearer understanding of the current state of research in automatic control and intelligent systems. This information serves as a useful guide for those who are interested in pursuing research in this field, offering a roadmap for productive collaborations and research opportunities. In conclusion, the analysis report based on Chu Jian's academic research highlights the importance of collaboration and networking in the academic world. By working with leading universities and researchers in the field, Chu Jian has been able to make significant advancements in automatic control and intelligent systems. His research serves as a valuable source of knowledge and inspiration for future generations of researchers, paving the way for continued innovation and progress in this important area of study.