
需积分: 13 1 下载量 74 浏览量 更新于2024-03-12 收藏 2.55MB PDF 举报
The "JavaScript Tools Guide CC.pdf" is the official help document for developing Photoshop JavaScript scripts. This English-language document is approximately 2MB in size and is intended for users of Adobe Creative Cloud. It provides comprehensive guidance on using JavaScript tools for Windows and Macintosh operating systems. The document is the property of Adobe Systems Incorporated, and no part of it may be reproduced or transmitted without the prior written consent of Adobe. The guide is a valuable resource for those interested in developing JavaScript scripts for Photoshop and other Adobe Creative Cloud applications. It offers detailed information on the use of JavaScript tools, including tips, techniques, and best practices for script development. Users can refer to it as a tool dictionary for quick access to information about specific JavaScript functions and features. Overall, the "JavaScript Tools Guide CC.pdf" serves as an essential reference for developers and users who want to harness the full potential of JavaScript for enhancing their workflow and customizing their experience with Adobe Creative Cloud. Its comprehensive coverage and user-friendly format make it a valuable resource for anyone working with JavaScript in the context of Adobe's design and development tools.