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随着物联网(Internet of Things, IoT)市场的持续扩张,三星公司发布了一篇名为《引入无限机遇:NB-IoT白皮书》的文档,深入探讨了这一革命性技术的应用。物联网不仅连接着日益增长的设备、信息和服务,还正在重塑人们对于“连接”的传统理解,构建一个无缝融合的环境体验。 全球物联网市场趋势与前景显示了显著的增长潜力。根据国际数据公司(International Data Corporation, IDC)的数据,到2020年,物联网市场规模预计将从2014年的6558亿美元增长至1.7万亿美元,这一增长势头强劲。市场的大部分增长将由模块/传感器、连接性和其他技术驱动,其中模块/传感器占据首位,连接性紧随其后,占据了超过三分之二的预期市场份额。 模块/传感器是物联网的核心组成部分,它们负责收集和传输数据,为各种应用提供实时信息。这些传感器可以嵌入在各种设备中,如智能家居设备、工业设备、医疗设备等,使它们具备智能化的能力,从而实现自动化和远程监控。 连接性在物联网中起着至关重要的作用,特别是在NB-IoT(窄带物联网)技术上。NB-IoT作为低功耗广域网(LPWAN)的一种,特别适合大规模设备部署,它能提供稳定的网络连接和低的数据传输速率,适用于那些对电池寿命有严格要求、数据传输需求量大但并不需要高速度的场景,如智能水表、智能路灯等城市基础设施。 服务和技术层面,随着物联网设备的增加,数据处理、云计算、人工智能(AI)、数据分析等技术也得到了广泛应用。通过这些服务,企业可以更好地理解和利用海量数据,优化业务流程,提升运营效率,并实现更智能的决策支持。 三星的这份白皮书详细阐述了物联网在全球范围内的发展趋势,特别是NB-IoT所带来的机会。它强调了模块/传感器、连接性以及相关技术在推动市场增长中的关键角色,展示了物联网如何通过无缝融合的数字交互,重塑我们的生活和工作方式,为未来的数字化社会开辟了无限可能。
2023-05-27 上传

For macroscopically anisotropic media in which the variations in the phase stiffness tensor are small, formal solutions to the boundary-value problem have been developed in the form of perturbation series (Dederichs and Zeller, 1973; Gubernatis and Krumhansl, 1975 ; Willis, 1981). Due to the nature of the integral operator, one must contend with conditionally convergent integrals. One approach to this problem is to carry out a “renormalization” procedure which amounts to identifying physically what the conditionally convergent terms ought to contribute and replacing them by convergent terms that make this contribution (McCoy, 1979). For the special case of macroscopically isotropic media, the first few terms of this perturbation expansion have been explicitly given in terms of certain statistical correlation functions for both three-dimensional media (Beran and Molyneux, 1966 ; Milton and Phan-Thien, 1982) and two-dimensional media (Silnutzer, 1972 ; Milton, 1982). A drawback of all of these classical perturbation expansions is that they are only valid for media in which the moduli of the phases are nearly the same, albeit applicable for arbitrary volume fractions. In this paper we develop new, exact perturbation expansions for the effective stiffness tensor of macroscopically anisotropic composite media consisting of two isotropic phases by introducing an integral equation for the so-called “cavity” strain field. The expansions are not formal but rather the nth-order tensor coefficients are given explicitly in terms of integrals over products of certain tensor fields and a determinant involving n-point statistical correlation functions that render the integrals absolutely convergent in the infinite-volume limit. Thus, no renormalization analysis is required because the procedure used to solve the integral equation systematically leads to absolutely convergent integrals. Another useful feature of the expansions is that they converge rapidly for a class of dispersions for all volume fractions, even when the phase moduli differ significantly.

2023-06-02 上传