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"C#网络应用编程基础,GDI+概述" GDI+是微软为Windows 2000以后的操作系统引入的一种图形设备接口(Graphics Device Interface),它为开发者提供了强大的图形图像处理能力。在.NET Framework中,GDI+被表现为一组托管类,允许开发者以C#等编程语言轻松实现各种图形、图像和文字的高级效果。 GDI+的主要服务包括: 1. **二维矢量图形**:GDI+提供了构造和绘制各种基本图形的类。例如,Rectangle类用来定义矩形的位置和大小,Pen类用于设置线条的颜色、宽度和样式,Brush的子类则定义了填充图形的方式,如颜色或图案。Graphics类提供了丰富的绘图方法,如绘制线条、填充形状等。 2. **图像处理**:对于非矢量的图像,GDI+提供了Bitmap和Image类,支持BMP、JPG、GIF等多种图像格式的显示、操作和保存。 3. **文字显示**:GDI+支持使用各种字体、字号和样式显示文本,使得文字渲染更加灵活。 此外,GDI+还包括一些高级特性,如渐变画刷(Gradient Brush)、基样条曲线、Alpha混合(透明效果)、抗锯齿处理(提高图形边缘的平滑度)、矩阵变换(几何变形)和浮动坐标等,这些功能极大地扩展了图形图像的创作可能性。 在C#中,GDI+的相关功能分布在以下几个命名空间: 1. **System.Drawing**:这个命名空间包含了GDI+的基本图形功能,如Graphics、Bitmap、Brush、Font、Icon、Image、Pen和Color等类。 2. **System.Drawing.Drawing2D**:提供了高级的二维和矢量图形处理,如梯度画刷和Matrix(几何变换)。 3. **System.Drawing.Imaging**:专注于高级图像处理,如图像编码和解码。 4. **System.Drawing.Text**:专注于字体和文本排版功能。 本书《C#网络应用编程基础》深入浅出地介绍了C#语言基础和面向对象编程,涵盖了C#在Windows窗体客户端、Web窗体应用、文件管理、Internet应用、SQL Server数据库、图形图像和水晶报表等多个领域的应用。同时,书中还提供了配套的实验指导、电子教案、源代码和习题解答,旨在帮助学习者掌握C#网络应用编程的基础知识,并为后续的高级编程打下坚实基础。 对于已经有一定C++或Java编程经验的学习者,这本书能够帮助他们快速过渡到C#和Visual Studio 2005开发环境,理解网络应用编程的简化过程。无论是高等教育中的计算机专业学生,还是希望提升网络编程技能的专业人士,都能从中受益。

Write a Model class with the following UML specification: +----------------------------------------------+ | Model | +----------------------------------------------+ | - score: int | | - bubbles: ArrayList<IShape> | +----------------------------------------------+ | + Model() | | + getScore(): int | | + addBubble(int w, int h): void | | + moveAll(int dx, int dy): void | | + clearInvisibles(int w, int h): void | | + deleteBubblesAtPoint(int x, int y): void | | + drawAll(Graphics g): void | | + testModel(): void | +----------------------------------------------+ When a new model object is created, the score must be zero and the arraylist must be empty. The getScore method returns as result the current score for the game. The addBubble method adds a new bubble to the arraylist of bubbles. The position of the center of the new bubble is random but must be inside a window of width w and height h (the arguments of the addBubble method), like this: new Bubble((int)(w * Math.random()), (int)(h * Math.random())) The moveAll method moves the positions of all the bubbles in the arraylist of bubbles by the amount dx in the x direction and by the amount dy in the y direction. The clearInvisibles method takes as argument the width w and the height h of the window, and deletes from the arraylist of bubbles any bubble which is not visible in the window anymore. For each bubble which is deleted, the score decreases by 1.The deleteBubblesAtPoint method takes as argument the coordinates (x, y) of a point, and deletes from the arraylist of bubbles any bubble which contains this point (multiple bubbles might contain the point, because bubbles can overlap in the window). For each bubble which is deleted, the score increases by 1. The drawAll method draws all the bubbles in the arraylist of bub

2023-05-11 上传