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ely involved in all aspects of society. It allows information to be disseminated through the network, and with the help of information management tools, it can provide services to people. In response to the chaos, high error rate, poor information security, high labor intensity, time-consuming and laborious problems of information management of academic achievements by university teachers, the use of a learning materials library mini program can effectively manage information, making information management more scientific and standardized. The learning materials library mini program is coded using Java language and data tables are created using Mysql to store the data generated by this system. The system can provide information display and corresponding services, allowing administrators to view and manage information related to the learning materials library mini program. In conclusion, the learning materials library mini program centrally manages information, with strong confidentiality, high efficiency, large storage space, and low cost. It can reduce information management costs and achieve computerized information management. Keywords: learning materials library mini program; Java language; Mysql 互联网的发展对社会产生了深远的影响,信息的传播变得更加便捷和高效。而学习资料库小程序的设计与实现,为高校教师的信息管理提供了新的解决方案。通过使用Java语言编码和Mysql创建数据表,学习资料库小程序实现了信息的有效管理和保密。该系统不仅可以提供信息显示和相关服务,还可以让管理员对学习资料库小程序的信息进行查看和管理。学习资料库小程序的优点包括保密性强、效率高、存储空间大、成本低等,可以降低信息管理成本,实现信息管理的计算机化。通过学习资料库小程序,高校教师可以更科学和规范地管理自己的成果信息,提高工作效率,为学校信息管理带来全新的体验。