large number of customers. In electrodistribution compa nies there are commonly used
computer programs for calculation of electrical power losses and methods for calcu-
lation of electrical losses has been developed too. Electric power distribution system,
for which the losses are calculated should be fully modeled by applying the methods
for modeling all elements of the system. Due to unavailability of time load diagram and
large number of customer connections, certain approximations often are applied in the
estimations of losses in the aim of obtaining a more reliable results from the available
data. Generally, in the literature a large number of paper dealing with domain of losses
in electrodistribution systems can be found [1–6].
The current method of monitoring losses in the actual electrodistribution (in the part
relating to the Tuzla Canton) are described in the paper and the procedure of estimation
technical losses of electrical power and electrical energy in 10 and 20 kV network,
transformer 10/0,4 and 20/0,4 kV are shown. For the estimated technical losses of
electrical power and electrical energy on the observed network part, it is necessary to
determine structure of losses to the network elements and make separation of losses to
constant losses and load dependent losses. The presented methodology of losses esti-
mation is based on the existing resources in terms of available measurement of elec-
trical energy, calculations and network model. The purpose of the analysis of energy
losses is to locate places in the network where the losses are greater than the average.
After the analysis the corrective investment activities are undertaken, such as reha-
bilitation or reconstrucions of existing networks or building new parts of network, or
procedures and activities to optimize load distribution, balancing network and control
of connection places at the end customers are imp lemented in the existing network. In
the case of losses analysis, it operates with a large number of data, but the main
objective of analysis is to identify the parts of the network to which is necessary to
implement corrective actions and by priority of largest effect (economic and technical).
The estimation and monitoring methodology of losses are coordinated with busi-
ness policy and strategic business decision in the field of electrical energy losses in
distribution activities of JP Elektroprivreda BiH d.d. Sarajevo (JP EP BiH). Distribu-
tion activity of electrical energy in JP EP BiH is realised in five Branches (Bihać,
Mostar, Sarajevo, Tuzla i Zen ica) hereinafter described as the distribution parts or
abbreviated ED. Branches are divided into several business units of distribution (PJD),
which usually include the area of a municipality. A concrete example of analysis of
losses for the Branch Tuzla (ED Tuzla) and twelve associated PJD, is presented in the
paper, in 2015.
Generaly observed, the total losses of electrical energy in electrodistribution net-
work of JP EP BiH, are in the level of losses in electrodistribution networks in
neighboring countries or even lower. According to available reports, technical losses in
the distribution, according to the experience of the developed electric power company,
should not exceed 4,5% of taken electrical energy. The method of losses separation by
voltage levels can be carried out for distribution areas which belong to certain PJD,
supply transformer station (TS) or 10(20) kV feeder. The advantage of this method is
application to smaller distribution areas (PJD, TS or 10 and 20 kV outputs) to get a
more realistic presentation about causes of losses and easier determination of methods
to reduce them.
4 S. G. Ferhatbegović et al.