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In the first part of the 2018-2019 academic year, the first monthly exam for the second semester of high school English for the second year was challenging. The exam consisted of two parts, with the first part being the listening section worth a total of 30 points. The first section of the listening test included 5 dialogues, each followed by a question to test the students' comprehension skills. In the first dialogue, the question asked was about who was absent from the party. The options given were Betty, Mary, and Jack. The dialogue was only played once, giving the students 10 seconds to choose the correct answer. The second dialogue involved a woman offering to help the man with his work, find his calculator, or lend her calculator to him. The third dialogue focused on how the speakers would go to the Bund, with options being by taxi, by bus, or by walking. Overall, the first part of the exam required students to listen carefully, comprehend the dialogues, and answer questions accurately. It tested their listening skills and ability to follow conversations. This section was crucial in assessing the students' proficiency in English and their understanding of spoken language. It was challenging yet essential for their language learning and development.

void input() { printf("---------教师信息录入功能---------\n\n"); int c; while (1) { printf("第%d个老师的信息\n\n", i + 1); printf("请输入姓名(输入0结束录入):"); scanf("%s", t[i].name); if (t[i].name[0] == '0') break; printf("请输入性别(M为男性,F为女性):"); repeat1:scanf(" %c", &t[i].sex); if (t[i].sex != 'M' && t[i].sex != 'F') //性别判断容错,用字符比较 { printf("输入错误,请重新输入\n"); goto repeat1; } printf("请输入职称:"); scanf("%s", t[i].position); printf("请输入工号:"); scanf("%d", &t[i].employee_number); printf("请输入第一门课程名称:"); scanf("%s", t[i].course_one.course_name); printf("请输入第一门课程开课学期(例:2019-2020学年第二学期):"); scanf("%s", t[i].course_one.term); printf("请输入第一门课程性质(必修或选修):"); repeat2:scanf("%s", t[i].course_one.nature); if (strcmp(t[i].course_one.nature, "必修") != 0 && strcmp(t[i].course_one.nature, "选修") != 0) //课程性质判断容错,用字符串比较 { printf("输入错误,请重新输入\n"); goto repeat2; } printf("请输入第二门课程名称:"); scanf("%s", t[i].course_two.course_name); printf("请输入第二门课程开课学期(例:2019-2020学年第二学期):"); scanf("%s", t[i].course_two.term); printf("请输入第二门课程性质(必修或选修):"); repeat3:scanf("%s", t[i].course_two.nature); if (strcmp(t[i].course_two.nature, "必修") != 0 && strcmp(t[i].course_two.nature, "选修") != 0) { printf("输入错误,请重新输入\n"); goto repeat3; } printf("请输入课程综合评分:"); scanf("%lf",&t[i].score); printf("\n您输入的信息为:"); printf("\n%s %c %s %d %s %s %s %s %s %s %.2f\n\n", t[i].name, t[i].sex, t[i].position, t[i].employee_number, t[i].course_one.course_name, t[i].course_one.term, t[i].course_one.nature, t[i].course_two.course_name, &t[i].course_two.term, t[i].course_two.nature,t[i].score); printf("----------------------------------\n\n"); i++; } printf("\n----------------------------------\n\n"); printf("请选择操作!\n"); printf("\n1.返回主界面\n"); //优化返回 repeat:scanf("%d", &c); if (c == 1) { system("cls"); main(); } else { printf("输入错误,请重新输入!\n"); goto repeat; } }error: expected unqualified-id before ‘{’ token

2023-06-13 上传