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软饮料加工技术是针对制作软饮料的过程中的技术要点和细节进行教学和学习的一门课程。软饮料是一种乙醇含量在0.5%以下的饮品,也就是非酒精饮料。根据国家标准,软饮料可以分为碳酸饮料、果汁(浆)及果汁饮料、蔬菜汁饮料、含乳饮料、植物蛋白饮料、瓶装饮用水、茶饮料、固体饮料、特殊用途饮料和其他饮料。软饮料生产过程中需要用到各种水源,包括城市自来水、井水和天然水源,并且要符合一定的水质标准。在软饮料加工中,水的硬度和碱度是非常重要的参数。水的硬度包括碳酸盐硬度和非碳酸盐硬度,而水的碱度则是指水中与碳酸氢根离子结合形成碱性物质的能力。软饮料加工技术的学习教案中详细介绍了软饮料的概念和分类,以及软饮料用水的处理方法和水质要求。通过学习这些内容,可以更好地了解软饮料的加工过程,提高软饮料生产的质量和效率。Soft drink processing technology is a course that focuses on the technical points and details of making soft drinks for teaching and learning. Soft drinks are beverages with an ethanol content below 0.5%, which means they are non-alcoholic beverages. According to national standards, soft drinks can be divided into carbonated beverages, fruit juices and fruit juice drinks, vegetable juice drinks, milk-containing beverages, plant protein beverages, bottled drinking water, tea beverages, solid beverages, special purpose beverages, and other beverages. Various water sources, including city tap water, well water, and natural water sources, are used in the production process of soft drinks and must meet certain water quality standards. In soft drink processing, water hardness and alkalinity are important parameters. Water hardness includes carbonate hardness and non-carbonate hardness, while water alkalinity refers to the ability of water to combine with bicarbonate ions to form alkaline substances. The study plan for soft drink processing technology provides detailed information on the concept and classification of soft drinks, as well as the treatment of water for soft drinks and water quality requirements. By studying these topics, one can gain a better understanding of the soft drink processing process, improve the quality and efficiency of soft drink production.