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"The Ultimate Excel Resource Guide.pdf" 是一份全面的Excel学习指南,涵盖了从基础到高级的各种主题,包括常规技巧、VBA编程、Power BI集成、仪表板创建以及数据可视化。这份资源旨在帮助用户提升Excel技能,充分利用这个强大但经常被低估的工具。作者在献辞中表达了对读者的支持和鼓励,同时提到了他的妻子对他的支持和他们共同的孩子。 该指南强调,其中包含的信息仅供教育参考,未经作者书面同意,不得复制、传输或以任何形式出售。此外,指南中可能包含一些联盟链接,这意味着如果读者选择购买推荐的产品,作者可能会获得佣金。然而,作者推荐这些产品是因为它们实用且有价值,而非仅仅因为可能的佣金。 此资源详细涵盖了多个部分,包括: 1. 常规Excel技巧:这部分可能包括基本操作、公式和函数的使用、快捷键、数据分析等,帮助初学者快速上手并提高工作效率。 2. VBA编程:Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) 是Excel中用于自动化任务和创建自定义功能的编程语言。学习者将了解到如何编写宏、创建自定义函数以及构建复杂的自动化工作流程。 3. Power BI集成:Power BI是微软的数据分析工具,可以与Excel无缝集成。这部分可能讲述如何导入数据、创建交互式报告和仪表板,以及利用Power BI的强大分析能力。 4. 仪表板创建:在Excel中创建数据仪表板可以帮助用户以视觉化的方式理解数据。这部分可能涉及图表类型的选择、数据透视表的应用以及如何设计有效的数据展示。 5. 数据可视化:数据可视化是Excel中的关键技能,可以帮助用户更直观地理解复杂信息。这部分可能涵盖不同类型的图表、颜色策略以及最佳实践。 6. Excel在线课程:这部分可能推荐一系列在线课程,针对不同层次的学习者,从基础到高级,帮助他们系统地提升Excel技能。 7. Excel书籍:除了在线资源,书籍也是深入学习Excel的好途径。作者可能推荐了一些经典和最新的Excel教程书籍,涵盖VBA、数据处理和高级应用。 8. Excel加载项:Excel加载项可以扩展其功能,如增强数据分析、自动化任务或提供新的可视化选项。这部分可能介绍一些实用的加载项和如何安装使用。 "The Ultimate Excel Resource Guide.pdf" 是一个全面的学习平台,无论你是Excel新手还是经验丰富的用户,都能从中找到提升技能的宝贵资源。通过学习这份指南,用户能够更好地利用Excel进行数据分析、自动化工作流程,以及创建专业级别的数据可视化作品。

Before Playstation, there was Pong, at one time the ultimate in video game entertainment. For those of you not familiar with this game please refer to the Wikipedia entry (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pong) and the many fine websites extolling the game and its virtues. Pong is not so very different in structure from the Billiard ball simulation that you developed earlier in the course. They both involve a ball moving and colliding with obstacles. The difference in this case is that two of the obstacles are under user control. The goal of this project is to develop your own version of Pong in MATLAB using the keyboard as input, for example, one player could move the left paddle up and down using the q and a keys while the right paddle is controlled with the p and l keys. You may check the code for the Lunarlander game which demonstrates some of the techniques you can use to capture user input. You will also probably find the plot, set, line and text commands useful in your program. You have used most of these before in the billiard simulation and you can use Matlabs online help to get more details on the many options these functions offer. Your program should allow you to play a game to 11 keeping track of score appropriately. The general structure of the code is outlined below in pseudo code While not done Update Ball State (position and velocity) taking into account collisions with walls and paddles Check for scoring and handle appropriately Update Display Note that in this case it is implicitly assumed that capturing the user input and moving the paddles is being handled with callback functions which removes that functionality from the main loop. For extra credit you could consider adding extra features like spin or gravity to the ball flight or providing a single player mode where the computer controls one of the paddles.

2023-05-30 上传
2023-06-14 上传