Lane disputed those estimates
Figure 2: A simplified syntactic GCN (bias terms
and gates are omitted); the syntactic graph of the
sentence is shown with dashed lines at the bottom.
Parameter matrices are sub-indexed with syntactic
functions, and apostrophes (e.g., subj’) signify that
information flows in the direction opposite of the
dependency arcs (i.e., from dependents to heads).
As in standard convolutional networks (LeCun
et al., 2001), by stacking GCN layers one can in-
corporate higher degree neighborhoods:
= ReLU
u∈N (v)
+ b
where k denotes the layer number and h
= x
3 Syntactic GCNs
As syntactic dependency trees are directed and la-
beled (we refer to the dependency labels as syn-
tactic functions), we first need to modify the com-
putation in order to incorporate label information
(Section 3.1). In the subsequent section, we incor-
porate gates in GCNs, so that the model can decide
which edges are more relevant to the task in ques-
tion. Having gates is also important as we rely on
automatically predicted syntactic representations,
and the gates can detect and downweight poten-
tially erroneous edges.
3.1 Incorporating directions and labels
Now, we introduce a generalization of GCNs ap-
propriate for syntactic dependency trees, and in
general, for directed labeled graphs. First note
that there is no reason to assume that information
flows only along the syntactic dependency arcs
(e.g., from makes to Sequa), so we allow it to flow
in the opposite direction as well (i.e., from depen-
dents to heads). We use a graph G = (V, E), where
the edge set contains all pairs of nodes (i.e., words)
adjacent in the dependency tree. In our example,
both (Sequa, makes) and (makes, Sequa) belong
to the edge set. The graph is labeled, and the label
L(u, v) for (u, v) ∈ E contains both information
about the syntactic function and indicates whether
the edge is in the same or opposite direction as
the syntactic dependency arc. For example, the la-
bel for (makes, Sequa) is subj, whereas the label
for (Sequa, makes) is subj
, with the apostrophe
indicating that the edge is in the direction oppo-
site to the corresponding syntactic arc. Similarly,
self-loops will have label self. Consequently, we
can simply assume that the GCN parameters are
label-specific, resulting in the following computa-
tion, also illustrated in Figure 2:
= ReLU
u∈N (v)
+ b
This model is over-parameterized,
given that SRL datasets are moderately sized, by
deep learning standards. So instead of learning the
GCN parameters directly, we define them as
= V
, (2)
where dir(u, v) indicates whether the edge (u, v)
is directed (1) along, (2) in the opposite direction
to the syntactic dependency arc, or (3) is a self-
loop; V
∈ R
. Our simplification cap-
tures the intuition that information should be prop-
agated differently along edges depending whether
this is a head-to-dependent or dependent-to-head
edge (i.e., along or opposite the corresponding
syntactic arc) and whether it is a self-loop. So we
do not share any parameters between these three
very different edge types. Syntactic functions are
important, but perhaps less crucial, so they are en-
coded only in the feature vectors b
3.2 Edge-wise gating
Uniformly accepting information from all neigh-
boring nodes may not be appropriate for the SRL
Chinese and English CoNLL-2009 datasets used 41 and
48 different syntactic functions, which would result in having
83 and 97 different matrices in every layer, respectively.