
需积分: 9 2 下载量 14 浏览量 更新于2024-08-23 收藏 1.1MB PPT 举报
"数据驱动测试是一种测试方法,它将测试数据与测试脚本分离,以实现测试脚本的参数化,提高覆盖率和健壮性。这种方法适用于需要对多个数据集进行相同操作的情况,例如,验证软件功能在不同输入条件下的表现。QTP(QuickTest Professional)是一个自动化功能测试工具,特别适合进行数据驱动测试。本文将详细介绍数据驱动测试的步骤,以及QTP在其中的应用。 首先,制定测试计划是整个测试过程的基础。在了解项目需求和测试工具特性(如QTP)的基础上,测试人员应确定要测试的功能点,并规划测试流程。QTP以其自动录制功能,能记录用户操作并自动生成VBScript脚本,同时提供关键字视图,便于理解和修改测试步骤。 创建测试脚本时,QTP的录制功能会捕捉每个操作并转化为脚本。测试人员可以通过关键字视图来理解这些操作,并根据需要添加或修改测试步骤,以实现更复杂的测试逻辑。例如,增加检查点以验证特定信息的正确性,或利用参数化功能,使脚本能处理不同的输入数据。 增强测试脚本的功能是数据驱动测试的关键。参数化允许测试脚本接受外部数据源的输入,这可以是一个数据表格,包含多行测试数据。在设置迭代次数后,QTP会遍历表格中的每一行数据,运行测试脚本,这样就能针对每组不同的输入数据执行一次测试,从而提高测试的全面性。 运行测试时,QTP会按照脚本执行,替换参数值,并在运行过程中验证检查点,提供详细的输出信息。如果发现脚本不符合预期,测试人员可以进行调试,直至脚本运行无误。 最后,分析测试结果是评估测试效果的重要环节。通过比较预期结果与实际结果,测试人员可以识别潜在问题,进而改进软件或调整测试策略。在QTP中,测试结果的分析通常包括检查测试报告,确保所有检查点都通过,以及调查任何失败的原因。 数据驱动测试通过QTP的自动化能力,实现了测试脚本与测试数据的解耦,提高了测试效率和准确性。通过参数化、迭代和检查点等功能,测试人员能够覆盖多种数据组合,确保软件在各种条件下都能正常运行。在实际操作中,QTP还支持对象库的管理和动作关联,进一步增强了测试的灵活性和可维护性。"
2010-07-14 上传
Test automation can be thought of as "writing software to test other software”. Using one of the commercially available automated testing tools, test scripts are written that drive the application under test -- execute keyboard, mouse actions and background processing -- and verify application responses and behavior just as a human would. Automated testing can reduce or eliminate the drudgery and repetition associated with some manual tests, decrease the time required to test and make your tests more consistent and repeatable. Automation testing also increases the quality of the product and produces early fault tracking during the testing phase. Convergys Test Automation Team has developed an Advance Data Driven Testing (ADDT) approach by using the Test Automation Engine, which drives WinRunner based on the input provided by the tables. This technique is used to test our highly complex PC based Billing Application for the Client and also for Background testing. The approach has been successfully implemented in System Test Organization in Convergys for the regression and new features testing. In the last two years, it has been proven that Automation Testing can improve the reliability and the quality of our software products and reduce the man-hours needed. Automation testing also helps us to detect faults in earlier stages of software release cycles, which reduces the bug fixing cost dramatically. This technique is generic and can be used for any PC based Client/Server application or web application by modifying the Test Automation Engine.