
需积分: 5 1 下载量 2 浏览量 更新于2024-01-30 收藏 1.82MB PPT 举报
Android Framework.ppt provides an in-depth overview of the Android Anatomy and Layer Interaction. The presentation outlines three main ways through which interaction between layers occurs, namely: App—>Runtime Service—>lib, App—>Runtime Service—>Native Service—>lib, and App—>Runtime Service—>Native Daemon—>lib. The presentation highlights that Daemon (a non-interactive background program) plays a significant role in the Android Runtime Services, with Location Manager being presented as an example. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of Android Native Services, with Media Services and Media Services Daemon being presented as examples. The connection in the Android Native Services is exemplified through Telephone Service Binder IPC, which communicates through Linux's binder driver. Overall, the presentation offers a comprehensive understanding of the Android Framework and its underlying interaction mechanisms.