FlowNet3D: Learning Scene Flow in 3D Point Clouds
Xingyu Liu
Charles R. Qi
Leonidas J. Guibas
Stanford University
Facebook AI Research
Many applications in robotics and human-computer in-
teraction can benefit from understanding 3D motion of
points in a dynamic environment, widely noted as scene
flow. While most previous methods focus on stereo and
RGB-D images as input, few try to estimate scene flow di-
rectly from point clouds. In this work, we propose a novel
deep neural network named FlowNet3D that learns scene
flow from point clouds in an end-to-end fashion. Our net-
work simultaneously learns deep hierarchical features of
point clouds and flow embeddings that represent point mo-
tions, supported by two newly proposed learning layers for
point sets. We evaluate the network on both challenging
synthetic data from FlyingThings3D and real Lidar scans
from KITTI. Trained on synthetic data only, our network
successfully generalizes to real scans, outperforming vari-
ous baselines and showing competitive results to the prior
art. We also demonstrate two applications of our scene flow
output (scan registration and motion segmentation) to show
its potential wide use cases.
1. Introduction
Scene flow is the 3D motion field of points in the
scene [27]. Its projection to an image plane becomes 2D
optical flow. It is a low-level understanding of a dynamic
environment, without any assumed knowledge of structure
or motion of the scene. With this flexibility, scene flow can
serve many higher level applications. For example, it pro-
vides motion cues for object segmentation, action recogni-
tion, camera pose estimation, or even serve as a regulariza-
tion for other 3D vision problems.
However, for this 3D flow estimation problem, most pre-
vious works rely on 2D representations. They extend meth-
ods for optical flow estimation to stereo or RGB-D images,
and usually estimate optical flow and disparity map sepa-
rately [33, 28, 16], not directly optimizing for 3D scene
flow. These methods cannot be applied to cases where point
clouds are the only input.
Very recently, researchers in the robotics community
started to study scene flow estimation directly in 3D point
* indicates equal contributions.
point cloud 1:
point cloud 2:
scene flow:
Figure 1: End-to-end scene flow estimation from point
clouds. Our model directly consumes raw point clouds
from two consecutive frames, and outputs dense scene flow
(as translation vectors) for all points in the 1st frame.
clouds (e.g. from Lidar) [7, 25]. But those works did not
benefit from deep learning as they built multi-stage systems
based on hand-crafted features, with simple models such as
logistic regression. There are often many assumptions in-
volved such as assumed scene rigidity or existence of point
correspondences, which make it hard to adapt those systems
to benefit from deep networks. On the other hand, in the
learning domain, Qi et al. [19, 20] recently proposed novel
deep architectures that directly consume point clouds for
3D classification and segmentation. However, their work
focused on processing static point clouds.
In this work, we connect the above two research frontiers
by proposing a deep neural network called FlowNet3D that
learns scene flow in 3D point clouds end-to-end. As illus-
trated in Fig. 1, given input point clouds from two consec-
utive frames (point cloud 1 and point cloud 2), our network
estimates a translational flow vector for every point in the
first frame to indicate its motion between the two frames.
The network, based on the building blocks from [19], is
able to simultaneously learn deep hierarchical features of
point clouds and flow embeddings that represent their mo-
tions. While there are no correspondences between the
two sampled point clouds, our network learns to associate
points from their spatial localities and geometric similar-
ities, through our newly proposed flow embedding layer.
Each output embedding implicitly represents the 3D mo-
tion of a point. From the embeddings, the network further
up-samples and refines them in an informed way through
another novel set upconv layer. Compared to direct feature
2019 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
978-1-7281-3293-8/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE
DOI 10.1109/CVPR.2019.00062