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"Linux系统编程(第二版)是Robert Love撰写的一本经典IT图书,主要针对Linux系统的编程进行深入探讨。这本书英文版在2013年由O'Reilly Media出版,适合教育、商业或销售推广使用。作者拥有对Linux系统的深厚理解和丰富经验,旨在帮助读者掌握Linux系统编程的核心技能。" 在《Linux系统编程(第二版)》中,Robert Love详细介绍了Linux系统编程的基础知识和高级技术。这本书涵盖了以下几个关键知识点: 1. 进程管理:包括进程创建(fork和exec系列函数)、进程通信(管道、套接字、信号量等)、进程同步与互斥、线程以及进程调度策略。 2. 文件系统和I/O操作:讨论了Linux中的文件模型、文件描述符、打开、关闭、读写文件的函数,以及标准输入输出、缓冲I/O和非阻塞I/O的使用。 3. 信号与异常处理:介绍如何使用信号进行进程控制和错误处理,以及异步信号安全的函数。 4. 内存管理:涵盖动态内存分配(malloc和free)、内存映射、共享内存和匿名内存,以及内存保护和内存泄漏的检测。 5. 网络编程:讲解套接字API,包括TCP/IP和UDP协议的使用,以及套接字选项、套接字级别和地址解析。 6. 系统调用与库函数:深入剖析各种系统调用的工作原理,如open、read、write、close等,并讨论与之相关的C库函数。 7. 权限与安全:讨论用户和组的概念,文件权限和访问控制列表,以及sudo、setuid和capabilities机制。 8. 定时器和时钟:涵盖POSIX定时器、实时定时器和系统时钟,以及它们在程序中的应用。 9. 设备驱动编程:简要介绍Linux内核接口,以及如何编写简单的字符设备驱动。 10. 调试和性能分析:提供使用gdb调试程序的方法,以及系统性能监控工具,如strace、lsof和perf。 本书不仅理论知识丰富,还包含大量实践示例,有助于读者理解并掌握Linux系统编程的实际操作。无论是初学者还是经验丰富的开发者,都能从中受益。配合在线资源和更新历史,读者可以获取最新的修正信息,确保学习内容与时俱进。 通过阅读《Linux系统编程(第二版)》,读者将能够开发出更高效、更稳定、更符合Linux哲学的系统级应用程序,提升自己的编程能力和技术水平。这本书对于那些想要深入了解Linux操作系统工作原理,以及从事服务器端开发、嵌入式系统开发或者对操作系统有浓厚兴趣的IT专业人士来说,都是不可多得的参考资料。
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This book is broken into 11 chapters and two appendices. Chapter 1, Introduction and Essential Concepts This chapter serves as an introduction, providing an overview of Linux, system programming, the kernel, the C library, and the C compiler. Even advanced users should visit this chapter. Chapter 2, File I/O This chapter introduces files, the most important abstraction in the Unix environment, and file I/O, the basis of the Linux programming mode. It covers reading from and writing to files, along with other basic file I/O operations. The chapter culminates with a discussion on how the Linux kernel implements and manages files. Chapter 3, Buffered I/O This chapter discusses an issue with the basic file I/O interfaces—buffer size management— and introduces buffered I/O in general, and standard I/O in particular, as solutions. Chapter 4, Advanced File I/O This chapter completes the I/O troika with a treatment on advanced I/O interfaces, memory mappings, and optimization techniques. The chapter is capped with a discussion on avoiding seeks and the role of the Linux kernel’s I/O scheduler. Chapter 5, Process Management This chapter introduces Unix’s second most important abstraction, the process, and the family of system calls for basic process management, including the venerable fork. Chapter 6, Advanced Process Management This chapter continues the treatment with a discussion of advanced process management, including real-time processes. Chapter 7, Threading This chapter discusses threads and multithreaded programming. It focuses on higher-level design concepts. It includes an introduction to the POSIX threading API, known as Pthreads. Chapter 8, File and Directory Management This chapter discusses creating, moving, copying, deleting, and otherwise managing files and directories. Chapter 9, Memory Management This chapter covers memory management. It begins by introducing Unix concepts of memory, such as the process address space and the page, and continues with a discussion of the interfaces for obtaining memory from and returning memory to the kernel. The chapter concludes with a treatment on advanced memory-related interfaces. Chapter 10, Signals This chapter covers signals. It begins with a discussion of signals and their role on a Unix system. It then covers signal interfaces, starting with the basic and concluding with the advanced. Chapter 11, Time This chapter discusses time, sleeping, and clock management. It covers the basic interfaces up through POSIX clocks and high-resolution timers. Appendix A The first appendix reviews many of the language extensions provided by gcc and GNU C, such as attributes for marking a function constant, pure, or inline. Appendix B This bibliography of recommended reading lists both useful supplements to this work, and books that address prerequisite topics not covered herein.