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"Linux System Programming 2nd Edition" 《Linux System Programming》第二版是由Robert Love编写的,专注于深入探讨Linux操作系统编程的方方面面。这本书旨在帮助读者理解和掌握在Linux环境下进行系统级编程的核心技术。 本书涵盖了以下关键知识点: 1. **进程管理**:包括进程创建、进程间通信(IPC)、信号处理、线程以及调度策略。学习如何通过fork、execve等系统调用来创建和管理进程,以及如何使用管道、套接字和共享内存进行进程间通信。 2. **文件系统与I/O操作**:深入讲解文件系统接口,如open、read、write、close等,以及文件描述符、缓冲I/O和非阻塞I/O。同时讨论设备文件、符号链接和硬链接的概念。 3. **内存管理**:介绍Linux内存模型,包括虚拟内存、内存分配、内存映射、交换机制和内存碎片管理。理解malloc和free的工作原理,以及如何有效地管理进程的内存空间。 4. **网络编程**:涵盖套接字编程,包括TCP/IP协议栈、客户端和服务器端的实现、异步I/O以及高级网络编程技巧。学会编写网络应用,如HTTP服务器或FTP客户端。 5. **信号与同步**:讨论信号机制及其在进程间的通信作用,以及互斥锁、条件变量、信号量和读写锁等同步原语。理解线程安全编程的重要性。 6. **系统调用和库函数**:解释系统调用的工作原理,以及C标准库如何封装这些调用。对比系统调用与库函数的差异,理解何时应直接使用系统调用。 7. **程序启动与终止**:讲述进程的生命周期,从初始化到终止的过程,包括环境变量、命令行参数的处理,以及exit和atexit函数的使用。 8. **性能分析与调试**:介绍性能监控工具,如strace、gdb和perf,以及如何利用它们来优化和调试程序。理解性能瓶颈的识别和解决方法。 9. **安全编程**:讲解权限模型、文件权限、用户和组管理,以及如何避免常见的安全漏洞,如缓冲区溢出和权限提升。 10. **内核接口**:对于高级开发者,书中可能还会涉及内核模块编程,以及如何通过sysfs和procfs与内核交互,获取系统状态信息。 本书适合有C语言基础,并对操作系统有一定了解的读者,无论你是想成为Linux系统程序员,还是希望提升现有项目的性能和稳定性,都能从书中获得宝贵的指导。通过实际案例和详细的解释,读者将能够深入理解Linux系统编程的本质,并具备编写高效、可靠的系统级代码的能力。
2018-02-09 上传
Linux has been the mainstay of embedded computing for many years. And yet, there are remarkably few books that cover the topic as a whole: this book is intended to fill that gap. The term embedded Linux is not well-defined, and can be applied to the operating system inside a wide range of devices ranging from thermostats to Wi-Fi routers to industrial control units. However, they are all built on the same basic open source software. Those are the technologies that I describe in this book, based on my experience as an engineer and the materials I have developed for my training courses. Technology does not stand still. The industry based around embedded computing is just as susceptible to Moore's law as mainstream computing. The exponential growth that this implies has meant that a surprisingly large number of things have changed since the first edition of this book was published. This second edition is fully revised to use the latest versions of the major open source components, which include Linux 4.9, Yocto Project 2.2 Morty, and Buildroot 2017.02. Since it is clear that embedded Linux will play an important part in the Internet of Things, there is a new chapter on the updating of devices in the field, including Over the Air updates. Another trend is the quest to reduce power consumption, both to extend the battery life of mobile devices and to reduce energy costs. The chapter on power management shows how this is done. Mastering Embedded Linux Programming covers the topics in roughly the order that you will encounter them in a real-life project. The first 6 chapters are concerned with the early stages of the project, covering basics such as selecting the toolchain, the bootloader, and the kernel. At the conclusion of this this section, I introduce the idea of using an embedded build tool, using Buildroot and the Yocto Project as examples. The middle part of the book, chapters 7 through to 13, will help you in the implementation phase of the project. It covers the topics of filesystems, the init program, multithreaded programming, software update, and power management. The third section, chapters 14 and 15, show you how to make effective use of the many debug and profiling tools that Linux has to offer in order to detect problems and identify bottlenecks. The final chapter brings together several threads to explain how Linux can be used in real-time applications. Each chapter introduces a major area of embedded Linux. It describes the background so that you can learn the general principles, but it also includes detailed worked examples that illustrate each of these areas. You can treat this as a book of theory, or a book of examples. It works best if you do both: understand the theory and try it out in real life.