Windows Server 2012安装与配置指南:70-410考试准备

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《安装与配置Windows Server 2012考试参考指南70-410》是一本由Microsoft Press出版的专业认证考试辅导书籍,针对70-410考试进行了深入浅出的讲解。该书专为想要深入了解和准备Windows Server 2012技术的读者设计,作者是Craig Zacker。本书旨在帮助考生掌握Windows Server 2012的核心概念、安装流程、系统配置以及管理策略,确保他们在实际考试中能够展示出扎实的技能和知识。 书中详细介绍了Windows Server 2012的关键特性,包括但不限于网络服务、存储管理、虚拟化技术(如Hyper-V)、安全设置、用户身份验证、域和组策略管理,以及高级功能如Active Directory和DNS服务的配置。作者通过实用的案例和步骤,让复杂的技术变得易于理解,使读者在阅读过程中能逐步提升自己的实战能力。 值得注意的是,由于版权原因,未经Microsoft Press许可,任何部分内容均不得以任何形式复制或传播。本书符合美国版权法,并获得了美国国会图书馆的编号2012950447,国际标准书号(ISBN)为978-0-7356-7316-8。本书第三版印制于美国,全球范围内的书店和分销商都有供应。 对于本书中的疑问或反馈,读者可以通过电子邮件联系Microsoft Press Book Support,地址为。同时,微软官方鼓励读者在完成学习后对书籍进行评价,以便不断改进和提升产品质量。 此外,书中还涉及到了微软的一些商标,如Microsoft和其在 trademarks/EN-US.aspx列出的商标,这些都是微软集团公司的注册商标。其他提及的公司、组织、产品和域名等都是各自所有者的财产,体现了实际工作中的知识产权尊重。 《Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012 Exam Ref 70-410》是一本实用且权威的备考资料,对于希望通过70-410考试获取Windows Server 2012认证的专业人士来说,它提供了必不可少的知识和技能指导。无论是初学者还是经验丰富的IT专业人士,都能从中受益匪浅。

make: Leaving directory '/home/wanglangtao/frifly/rk3399_linux_release_v2.5.1_20210301/buildroot' 2023-06-07T03:54:43 >>> host-gcc-initial 8.4.0 Building 2023-06-07T03:54:47 >>> host-gcc-initial 8.4.0 Installing to host directory 2023-06-07T03:54:49 >>> host-libtool 2.4.6 Extracting 2023-06-07T03:54:50 >>> host-libtool 2.4.6 Patching 2023-06-07T03:54:50 >>> host-libtool 2.4.6 Updating config.sub and config.guess 2023-06-07T03:54:50 >>> host-libtool 2.4.6 Configuring 2023-06-07T03:54:53 >>> host-libtool 2.4.6 Building 2023-06-07T03:54:54 >>> host-libtool 2.4.6 Installing to host directory 2023-06-07T03:54:55 >>> host-autoconf 2.69 Extracting 2023-06-07T03:54:55 >>> host-autoconf 2.69 Patching 2023-06-07T03:54:55 >>> host-autoconf 2.69 Updating config.sub and config.guess 2023-06-07T03:54:55 >>> host-autoconf 2.69 Patching libtool 2023-06-07T03:54:55 >>> host-autoconf 2.69 Configuring 2023-06-07T03:54:56 >>> host-autoconf 2.69 Building 2023-06-07T03:54:57 >>> host-autoconf 2.69 Installing to host directory 2023-06-07T03:54:57 >>> host-automake 1.15.1 Extracting 2023-06-07T03:54:57 >>> host-automake 1.15.1 Patching 2023-06-07T03:54:57 >>> host-automake 1.15.1 Updating config.sub and config.guess 2023-06-07T03:54:57 >>> host-automake 1.15.1 Patching libtool 2023-06-07T03:54:58 >>> host-automake 1.15.1 Configuring 2023-06-07T03:54:59 >>> host-automake 1.15.1 Building 2023-06-07T03:54:59 >>> host-automake 1.15.1 Installing to host directory 2023-06-07T03:55:00 >>> host-pkgconf 0.9.12 Extracting 2023-06-07T03:55:00 >>> host-pkgconf 0.9.12 Patching 2023-06-07T03:55:00 >>> host-pkgconf 0.9.12 Updating config.sub and config.guess 2023-06-07T03:55:00 >>> host-pkgconf 0.9.12 Patching libtool 2023-06-07T03:55:00 >>> host-pkgconf 0.9.12 Configuring 2023-06-07T03:55:00 >>> host-pkgconf 0.9.12 Building 2023-06-07T03:55:01 >>> host-pkgconf 0.9.12 Installing to host directory 2023-06-07T03:55:02 >>> host-libxml2 2.9.7 Extracting 2023-06-07T03:55:02 >>> host-libxml2 2.9.7 Patching 2023-06-07T03:55:02 >>> host-libxml2 2.9.7 Updating config.sub and config.guess 2023-06-07T03:55:02 >>> host-libxml2 2.9.7 Patching libtool 2023-06-07T03:55:02 >>> host-libxml2 2.9.7 Configuring 2023-06-07T03:55:06 >>> host-libxml2 2.9.7 Building 2023-06-07T03:55:22 >>> host-libxml2 2.9.7 Installing to host directory 2023-06-07T03:55:24 >>> host-gettext Extracting 2023-06-07T03:55:25 >>> host-gettext Patching 2023-06-07T03:55:26 >>> host-gettext Updating config.sub and config.guess 2023-06-07T03:55:26 >>> host-gettext Configuring 2023-06-07T03:55:26 >>> host-gettext Autoreconfiguring 2023-06-07T03:55:51 >>> host-gettext Patching libtool 2023-06-07T03:56:13 >>> host-gettext Building什么问题

2023-06-08 上传

failed to load config from D:\朗慧\digital-welcome-project\vite.config.ts error when starting dev server: Error: You installed esbuild for another platform than the one you're currently using. This won't work because esbuild is written with native code and needs to install a platform-specific binary executable. Specifically the "@esbuild/win32-x64" package is present but this platform needs the "@esbuild/win32-ia32" package instead. People often get into this situation by installing esbuild on Windows or macOS and copying "node_modules" into a Docker image that runs Linux, or by copying "node_modules" between Windows and WSL environments. If you are installing with npm, you can try not copying the "node_modules" directory when you copy the files over, and running "npm ci" or "npm install" on the destination platform after the copy. Or you could consider using yarn instead of npm which has built-in support for installing a package on multiple platforms simultaneously. If you are installing with yarn, you can try listing both this platform and the other platform in your ".yarnrc.yml" file using the "supportedArchitectures" feature: Keep in mind that this means multiple copies of esbuild will be present. Another alternative is to use the "esbuild-wasm" package instead, which works the same way on all platforms. But it comes with a heavy performance cost and can sometimes be 10x slower than the "esbuild" package, so you may also not want to do that.

2023-06-06 上传