HTML5 Canvas深度探索:图形、动画与游戏开发

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"Core HTML5 Canvas:Graphics,Animation,and Game Development" 本书是关于HTML5 Canvas技术的专业指南,由David Geary撰写,专注于利用Canvas进行图形绘制、动画制作以及游戏开发。HTML5 Canvas是一个强大的Web API,允许开发者通过JavaScript动态在浏览器中绘制2D图形,从而实现丰富的交互式用户体验。 在HTML5中,Canvas元素是一个矩形区域,开发者可以通过JavaScript的绘图API在该区域内执行画线、填充形状、显示图像、创建动画等操作。这本书深入浅出地介绍了Canvas的核心概念和技术,帮助读者掌握如何利用它来构建复杂的视觉效果和动态应用。 主要内容可能包括以下几个关键知识点: 1. **Canvas基础**:介绍Canvas的基本用法,如创建Canvas元素、获取绘图上下文(2D或3D)以及设置绘图环境的属性,如颜色、线条样式和填充规则。 2. **图形绘制**:详细讲解如何绘制点、线、多边形、圆形、弧形和路径,以及如何使用渐变和模式填充图形。 3. **图像处理**:讨论如何在Canvas上加载、绘制和修改图像,包括裁剪、缩放、旋转和组合多个图像。 4. **文本操作**:介绍如何在Canvas上绘制文本,包括字体设置、对齐方式、描边和填充文本。 5. **动画原理**:讲解如何创建连续的视觉变化,如运动、变形和淡入淡出效果,以及如何使用requestAnimationFrame实现流畅的动画效果。 6. **事件处理**:讨论如何监听和响应用户的交互,如鼠标点击和移动,以及如何将这些事件与Canvas绘图相结合。 7. **性能优化**:介绍最佳实践,以减少重绘和重排,提高Canvas应用程序的性能。 8. **游戏开发**:深入到游戏开发领域,涵盖游戏循环、碰撞检测、物理模拟等关键概念,以及如何利用Canvas构建基本的游戏框架。 9. **WebGL与3D图形**:虽然书名主要聚焦于2D,但可能也会提及WebGL,这是HTML5提供的一个API,用于在Canvas上进行3D图形渲染。 10. **案例研究**:通过实际示例和项目,展示如何将所学知识应用于真实世界的Web应用程序和游戏中。 此书适合有一定JavaScript基础,希望深入学习HTML5 Canvas的开发者,无论是为了增强网页设计技能,还是为了开发引人入胜的互动内容或游戏,都能从中受益。对于那些寻求批量购买或定制内容的企业,出版社还提供了折扣和特殊服务,以适应不同的培训目标和业务需求。
2016-08-04 上传
One of HTML5,s most exciting features, Canvas provides a powerful 2D graphics API that lets you implement everything from word processors to video games. In Core HTML5 Canvas, best-selling author David Geary presents a code-fueled, no-nonsense deep dive into that API, covering everything you need to know to implement rich and consistent web applications that run on a wide variety of operating systems and devices. Succinctly and clearly written, this book examines dozens of real-world uses of the Canvas API, such as interactively drawing and manipulating shapes, saving and restoring the drawing surface to temporarily draw shapes and text, and implementing text controls. You,ll see how to keep your applications responsive with web workers when you filter images, how to implement smooth animations, and how to create layered, 3D scrolling backgrounds with parallax. In addition, you,ll see how to implement video games with extensive coverage of sprites, physics, collision detection, and the implementation of a game engine and an industrial-strength pinball game. The book concludes by showing you how to implement Canvas-based controls that you can use in any HTML5 application and how to use Canvas on mobile devices, including iOS5. This authoritative Canvas reference covers * The canvas element-using it with other HTML elements, handling events, printing a canvas, and using offscreen canvases* Shapes-drawing, dragging, erasing, and editing lines, arcs, circles, curves, and polygons; using shadows, gradients, and patterns* Text-drawing, positioning, setting font properties; building text controls* Images-drawing, scaling, clipping, processing, and animating* Animations-creating smooth, efficient, and portable animations* Sprites-implementing animated objects that have painters and behaviors* Physics-modeling physical systems (falling bodies, pendulums, and projectiles), and implementing tweening for nonlinear motion and animation* Collision detection-advanced techniques, clearly explained* Game development-all aspects of game development, such as time-based motion and high score support, implemented in a game engine* Custom controls-infrastructure for implementing custom controls; implementing progress bars, sliders, and an image panner* Mobile applications-fitting Canvas apps on a mobile screen, using media queries, handling touch events, and specifying iOS5 artifacts, such as app icons Throughout the book, Geary discusses high-quality, reusable code to help professional developers learn everything they really need to know, with no unnecessary verbiage. All of the book,s code and live demonstrations of key techniques are available at