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"Single Web Applications" 是一本由 Michael S. Mikowski 和 Josh C. Powell 合著的专业书籍,它专注于介绍如何使用 JavaScript 编写单页应用程序(SPA)。该书属于 JavaScript 的 end-to-end 教程,旨在帮助开发者理解和实践在现代web开发中构建动态、交互式用户界面的方法。 书中详细探讨了单页应用的概念,这些应用的特点是通过一个主要的 HTML 页面处理所有用户的交互,通过前端JavaScript框架如AngularJS、React或Vue.js等来实现页面的动态加载和状态管理,从而避免了传统多页应用中的频繁刷新。作者们可能还会讲解如何利用 AJAX 技术、路由管理、状态管理和模块化编程等关键概念来构建高效、可维护的SPA。 书中涵盖了从基础概念到实际项目的逐步指导,可能包括但不限于以下几个部分: 1. **单页应用的原理**:介绍什么是SPA,为什么在现代web开发中它们变得流行,以及与传统多页应用的区别。 2. **JavaScript基础知识**:确保读者对JavaScript有深入理解,包括DOM操作、事件处理、异步编程(如Promise和async/await)等。 3. **框架和库的选择与使用**:讲解如何选择适合的JavaScript框架,如Angular、React或Vue,并提供使用这些框架构建SPA的步骤和最佳实践。 4. **路由管理**:讨论如何实现SPA的导航,如使用Hash Router、History API或者路由守卫。 5. **状态管理**:介绍Redux、Vuex等状态管理库,如何在大型应用中保持数据的一致性和可预测性。 6. **性能优化**:涉及SEO策略、懒加载、代码分割等技术,确保SPA在提供良好用户体验的同时,也满足搜索引擎的要求。 7. **实战项目演示**:书中可能包含几个小项目示例,让读者在实践中学习和巩固所学知识。 8. **调试和测试**:讲述如何有效地调试SPA,并推荐测试工具和最佳测试实践。 "Single Page Web Applications" 作为一本技术指南,不仅适合初学者提升其前端开发技能,也对经验丰富的开发者扩展其JavaScript和SPA开发能力有所裨益。如果你正在寻找一本深度解析SPA开发的实用教程,这本书无疑是个很好的资源。最后,需要注意的是,版权方面,未经Manning Publications Co. 授权,任何形式的复制、存储或传播都需要获得书面许可。
2014-06-26 上传
In Single Page Web Applications you’ll learn to build modern browser-based apps that take advantage of stronger client platforms and more predictable bandwidth. You’ll learn the SPA design approach, and then start exploring new techniques like structured JavaScript and responsive design. And you’ll learn how to capitalize on trends like server-side JavaScript and NoSQL data stores, as well as new frameworks that make JavaScript more manageable and testable as a first-class language. If your website is a jumpy collection of linked pages, you are behind. Single page web applications are your next step: pushing UI rendering and business logic to the browser and communicating with the server only to synchronize data, they provide a smooth user experience, much like a native application. But, SPAs can be hard to develop, manage, and test. Single Page Web Applications shows how your team can easily design, test, maintain, and extend sophisticated SPAs using JavaScript end-to-end, without getting locked into a framework. Along the way, you’ll develop advanced HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript skills, and use JavaScript as the language of the web server and the database. This book assumes basic knowledge of web development. No experience with SPAs is required. What’s Inside Design, build, and test a full-stack SPA Best-in-class tools like jQuery, TaffyDB, Node.js, and MongoDB Real-time web with web sockets and Socket.IO Touch controls for tablets and smartphones Common SPA design mistakes Table of Contents Part 1: Introducing SPAs Chapter 1. Our first single page application Chapter 2. Reintroducing JavaScript Part 2: The SPA client Chapter 3. Develop the Shell Chapter 4. Add feature modules Chapter 5. Build the Model Chapter 6. Finish the Model and Data modules Part 3: The SPA server Chapter 7. The web server Chapter 8. The server database Chapter 9. Readying our SPA for production Appendix A. JavaScript coding standard Appendix B. Testing an SPA Book Details Paperback: 432 pages Publisher: Manning Publications (September 2013) Language: English ISBN-10: 1617290750 ISBN-13: 978-1617290756