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nRF51802是一款多协议的Bluetooth®低功耗/2.4GHz射频片上系统,其主要特点如下: 1. **无线通信能力**:nRF51802集成了强大的2.4GHz收发器,支持-91dBm的蓝牙低能耗模式灵敏度,能够实现数据传输速率高达250kbps、1Mbps和2Mbps的选择。 2. **功率管理**:它具有多种工作模式,包括标准TX功率范围从-20dBm到+4dBm,每级4dB,以及低功耗的-35dBm耳语模式。接收端峰值电流分别为13mA(0dBm)和10.5mA(0dBm),在DC/DC供电下分别为10mA和8mA。 3. **处理能力**:该芯片搭载了ARM Cortex-M03 24位处理器,低功耗状态下运行于闪存和RAM,分别消耗275μA/MHz和150μA/MHz的电流。具备串行线调试(SWD)功能,便于开发过程中的调试。 4. **软设备支持**:已经预装了S100系列SoftDevice,简化了软件集成。 5. **存储和内存**:内置256kB嵌入式闪存程序存储器和16KB内存,确保了足够的数据存储空间。此外,还支持与nRF24L系列的空中接口兼容。 6. **电源管理**:宽泛的电源电压范围从1.8V至3.6V,支持低功耗状态,如7.7μs的唤醒时间,以及在不同模式下的微安级别电流消耗,如在3V OFF模式下仅需0.6μA。 7. **模拟和数字输入输出**:拥有8/9/10位ADC,31个通用I/O引脚,支持SPI主/从、低功耗比较器、温度感应器、双线主机(I2C兼容)等多种接口。 8. **外设连接**:包括独立于CPU的可编程外设互连(PPI),正交解码器(QDEC),硬件AES加密,实时定时器计数器(RTC)等高级功能。 9. **尺寸与封装**:两种封装选项——QFN48(6x6mm)和QFN32(5x5mm)满足不同尺寸的应用需求。 10. **广泛应用领域**:nRF51802适用于广泛的场景,如计算机外围设备、鼠标、键盘、触摸板、互动娱乐设备、遥控器、游戏控制器、信标、个人区域网络、健康/健身传感器、医疗设备、智能手环/手表,甚至遥控玩具等。 11. **版权声明**:所有关于nRF51802的信息归Nordic Semiconductor ASA所有,未经许可禁止复制。该产品规格书明确列出了责任免责声明,强调Nordic Semiconductor ASA对产品的改进权,且不承担因使用该产品引发的责任,特别是涉及生命支持应用的。 nRF51802作为一款功能丰富的低功耗蓝牙和RF解决方案,提供了出色的性能、灵活性和广泛的兼容性,适用于多个物联网(IoT)应用领域。
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nrf51822中文参考手册,nRF51822 是一款集成nRF51x系列无线收发器的超低功耗的片上系统 (Soc) , 包含一个32位ARM Cortex-M0 CPU , flash 存储器和模拟、数字外设。NORDIC SEMICONDUCTOR nRF51822 Product Specification v1.3 Liability disclaimer Nordic Semiconductor ASa reserves the right to make changes without further notice to the product to improve reliability, function or design. Nordic Semiconductor asa does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuits described herein ife support applications Nordic Semiconductor's products are not designed for use in life support appliances, devices, or systems where malfunction of these products can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. Nordic Semiconductor ASa customers using or selling these products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Nordic Semiconductor ASA for any damages resulting from such improper use or sale Contact details Information regarding product updates, downloads, and technical support can be accessed through your My Page account on our home page Main office: Otto Nielsens veg 12 Mailing address: Nordic Semiconductor 7052 Trondheim P.O. Box 2336 Norway 7004 Trondhe Phone:+4772898900 Norway 4772898989 画N远 NS-EN ISO 9001 CERTIFICATEDFIRM RoHS and reach statement Nordic semiconductor's products meet the requirements of Directive 2002/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the restriction of Hazardous Substances(roHS)and the requirements of the reach regulation(EC 1907/2006)on Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals. The SvHC(Substances of Very High Concern) candidate list is continually being updated Complete hazardous substance reports material composition reports and latest version of nordics reach statementcanbefoundonourwebsitewww.nordicsemicom Page 2 of 67 NORDIC SEMICONDUCTOR nRF51822 Product Specification v1.3 Datasheet status Status Description Objective Pro