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"本文主要探讨了WebKit的工作原理,WebKit是一个用于渲染网络内容的引擎,它不是浏览器,也不是解决所有问题的方案。WebKit的核心组件包括WebCore、WTF、平台、JavaScriptCore以及绑定。WebKit和WebKit2提供了嵌入式API。文章深入讲解了一个网页的加载过程,从网络请求到页面渲染的各个阶段,包括生命周期、加载器的工作机制及其理想化流程。" WebKit是开源的渲染引擎,负责解释并呈现基于HTML、JavaScript和CSS的网络内容。它不是浏览器本身,而是许多浏览器(如Safari和早期版本的Chrome)背后的关键组成部分。WebKit的设计目标是高效、可移植和安全地处理网页内容。 WebCore是WebKit的核心,包含了处理HTML、CSS、DOM以及其他相关技术的代码。它负责解析网页内容,构建DOM树,并根据CSS规则生成渲染树。 WTF(Web Foundation Toolkit)提供了一系列的数据结构和线程原语,支持WebKit内部的高效运行。平台层则涵盖了网络、存储和图形等与操作系统交互的功能,允许WebKit在不同的操作系统上运行。 JavaScriptCore是WebKit中的JavaScript虚拟机,它负责JavaScript代码的解析、编译和执行。此外,WebKit还包含绑定层,将JavaScriptAPI与Objective-C API关联起来,使JavaScript能够与C++对象进行交互。 WebKit和WebKit2的区分在于,WebKit2引入了多进程架构,将渲染进程与浏览器进程分离,提高了安全性与性能。嵌入式API使得开发者可以将WebKit集成到自己的应用中。 文章详细阐述了网页的生命周期,从未初始化状态到初始、文档加载、预加载、准备提交、提交、检查策略,最后达到稳定状态(已提交)。加载器是整个过程中关键的角色,它管理网络请求、缓存资源,并协调页面的加载过程。理想化的加载器工作流程涉及内存缓存、资源加载器、资源处理等组件。 实际的加载器工作流程复杂得多,但有长期的优化计划来改进这一过程。这个详细的解析对于理解浏览器如何处理网页内容以及优化网络应用的性能具有重要的参考价值。
2019-05-21 上传
Webpack是如何工作的,50 Webpack - The Why and the How Don't let yourself get confused by all the fancy stuff Webpack does. What is Webpack then? Well its a module bundler, there we go. Just kidding, this doesn't tell the beginner very much at all. I believe that the why is important to getting webpack so the bulk of this answer will focus on that. At its core Webpack allows us to use javascript modules within our browser by taking multiple files and assets and combining them into one big file as shown below in this image from the new docs for Webpack 2. Overview of Webpack All the extra shiny things such as transpiling es6/7 to es5 or allowing us to use css modules are just nice extras afforded to us by Webpack. The powerful ecosystem of Webpack plugins and extras makes Webpack seem confusing as it appears to do so much. While the additional features afforded to us through plugins is great we need to stay focused on the core reason Webpack exists - module bundling. Therefore loaders and plugins are outside the scope of this high level discussion on the fundamental problem that Webpack helps solve. Webpack is a command line tool to create bundles of assets (code and files). Webpack doesn't run on the server or the browser. Webpack takes all your javascript files and any other assets and transforms then into one huge file. This big file can then be sent by the server to a client's browser. Remember the browser and server don't care that this big file was generated using Webpack it just treats it like any other file.