优化RANSAC算法: 图像匹配精度提升与3D重建关键技术

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"本文主要探讨了半导体器件物理与技术领域中的优化匹配结果在三维重建计算机视觉中的应用。研究者邓燕子,研究生专业为计算机应用技术,在导师王民副教授的指导下,针对图像计算机三维重建技术进行了深入研究。文章的核心内容围绕以下几个方面: 1. 相机模型与成像过程:首先,对相机模型进行了详细分析,包括其工作原理和成像过程,这对于三维重建至关重要,因为相机是获取二维图像并转换为三维空间的关键设备。 2. 相机标定:文中重点介绍了现有的相机标定方法,特别是平面模板法,这种方法在提高精度方面表现出色,通过自标定方法对相机内部参数进行了优化。 3. 特征提取与匹配:对比了经典特征提取(如SIFT或SURF)与改进的RANSAC方法。通过使用高斯差分算子对特征点进行处理,并利用自定义描述算子进行匹配,结果显示这种改进方法在匹配性能上有所提升。 4. 基础矩阵求解:传统RANSAC方法中,基础矩阵的求解依赖于内点对的代价函数,但忽视了不同点之间的差异。作者提出了基于重投影误差的自适应代价函数,以区分不同内点,从而提高了基础矩阵估计的精度。 5. 稠密匹配:为解决稀疏点云无法充分描述物体几何特征的问题,通过图像校正和视差空间的密集匹配算法,将特征点匹配提升到了稠密点云的层次,增强了重建的细节丰富度。 6. 双目视觉与三维重建:结合双目视觉的特性,构建了基于图像对的三维重建流程,实现了物体的三维空间点云从稀疏到稠密的重建,并对点云后处理及多幅图像的三维重建进行了深入研究。 本文主要关注如何通过优化匹配算法和计算机视觉技术,提高基于图像的三维重建精度和效率,具有重要的理论和实践意义。"

WIDE bandgap devices, such as silicon carbide (SiC) metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transis- tors (MOSFETs) present superior performance compared to their silicon counterparts [1]. Their lower ON-state resistance and faster switching capability attract lots of interest in high-power- density applications [2]. Faster switching speed enables lower switching loss and higher switching frequency, which is benefi- cial to high-efficiency and high power density. However, severe electromagnetic interference (EMI) and transient overvoltage issues caused by fast switching speed jeopardize the power quality and reliability of converters [3], [4]. Therefore, there is a tradeoff between efficiency and reliability in the choice of switching speed. An optimized design should ensure theoperation within both safe-operation-area and EMI limits, and switching loss should be as small as possible. A prediction method of switching performance is important and helpful for designer to evaluate and optimize converter design. The most concerned switching characteristics are switching loss, dv/dt, di/dt, and turn-ON/OFF overvoltage generally. These characteristics are crucial for the design of heatsink, filter, and gate driver. Related discussions have been presented in many existing research articles as following.请将这一段进行以下要求,Move analysis 语步(内容成分)分析; Language devices和实现该功能的语言手段(某些关键专有名词提供汉语翻译)

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