
0 下载量 25 浏览量 更新于2024-03-05 收藏 1.76MB DOCX 举报
In recent years, the rapid development of the real estate industry in China has led to a booming market demand. However, the automation of related information is not perfect, resulting in poor management, low visualization of real estate information, and delayed information synchronization. This has caused many unnecessary troubles for consumers and developers, greatly reducing work efficiency. In response to this current situation in the market, this paper establishes a web-based real estate electronic sand table system, which provides users with a visual virtual interface model based on complex and cumbersome property information. Through the electronic sandbox system, users can clearly understand the overall planning of the development project and the detailed information of each property, thereby improving work efficiency. The design of this system utilizes Asp.net technology to handle business logic, utilizes SqlServer database system as the backend database for the website, and introduces the JQuery framework to enhance page effects. The system realizes the functions of electronic sand table, information browsing, information publishing, information updating, and administrator login. Such a system solves the current issue of poor real estate information management, and enhances management efficiency. Keywords: real estate; electronic sand table; JQuery; Asp.net technology.