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"Nginx Essentials 是一本由 Valery Kholodkov 编写的电子书,主要针对 Nginx 的基础知识,适合对英语有一定阅读能力的读者。本书旨在帮助读者快速掌握 Nginx 最重要的功能,并在实际应用中运用这些特性。" 在深入探讨 Nginx 的核心知识点之前,首先理解 Nginx 是一个高性能的 HTTP 和反向代理服务器,广泛用于网站负载均衡和静态内容服务。其特点是事件驱动的架构,能够处理大量并发连接,且内存占用低。 本书“Nginx Essentials”可能涵盖以下关键知识点: 1. **安装与配置**:讲解如何在不同操作系统上安装 Nginx,以及如何根据需求配置 Nginx 配置文件,包括基本的服务器块(server blocks)设置。 2. **HTTP 服务器**:介绍如何使用 Nginx 作为 Web 服务器,处理静态文件(如 HTML、CSS、JavaScript 和图像)的请求。 3. **反向代理**:详述如何通过 Nginx 设置反向代理,将来自客户端的请求转发到后端服务器,以实现负载均衡和性能优化。 4. **负载均衡**:讨论 Nginx 如何通过轮询、权重分配等策略,将流量分发到多个服务器,提高系统的可用性和响应速度。 5. **URL 转发与重定向**:介绍如何使用 Nginx 实现 URL 的转发和重定向,这对于网站迁移、域名变更等情况非常有用。 6. **访问控制**:讲解如何利用 Nginx 实现基于 IP 地址、用户名密码的访问限制,以及如何设置 HTTP 基本认证。 7. **错误页面处理**:学习如何自定义 Nginx 的错误页面,提升用户体验。 8. **日志管理**:介绍 Nginx 的日志格式、日志切割以及如何分析日志数据,以便进行性能监控和故障排查。 9. **性能优化**:探讨如何调整 Nginx 参数以提高性能,例如缓存管理、连接超时设定等。 10. **安全实践**:提供有关 SSL/TLS 证书配置、防止 DDoS 攻击等安全方面的指导。 尽管这本书可能不会深入到所有高级主题,但它会为初学者提供一个坚实的基础,让他们能够理解和操作 Nginx 的基本功能。随着对 Nginx 的进一步了解,读者可以探索更多高级特性,如 WebSocket 支持、限速策略以及与其他应用程序(如 PHP-FPM 或其他后端服务)的集成。 请注意,由于本书是2015年出版的,某些信息可能已经过时。在实际操作时,建议查阅最新的官方文档和社区资源以获取最新资讯。
2018-04-04 上传
2006 was an exciting year. The disappointment that surrounded the dot-com crash had pretty much been superseded by a renewed and more confident growth of Web 2.0 and inspired a search for technologies of a new age. At that time, I was looking for a web server to power my projects that would do many things in a different way. After getting some experience in large-scale online projects, I knew that the popular LAMP stack was suboptimal and sometimes did not solve certain challenges, such as efficient uploads, geo-dependent rate limiting, and so on. After trying and rejecting a number of options, I came to know about Nginx and immediately felt that my search was over. It is small yet powerful, with a clean code base, good extensibility, relevant set of features, and a number of architectural challenges solved. Nginx definitely stood out from the crowd! I immediately got inspired and felt some affinity to this project. I tried participating in the Nginx community, learned, shared my knowledge, and contributed as much as I could. With time, my knowledge of Nginx grew. I started to get consultancy requests and have been capable of addressing quite sophisticated cases. After some time, I realized that some of my knowledge might be worth sharing with everyone. That's how I started a blog at . A blog turned out to be an author-driven medium. A more reader-focused and more thorough medium was in demand, so I set aside some time to assemble my knowledge in the more solid form of a book. That's how the book you're holding in your hands right now came into existence.