Characterization and application of plasma mirror for
ultra-intense femtosecond lasers
Xulei Ge (葛绪雷)
, Yuan Fang (方 远)
, Su Yang (杨 骕)
, Wenqing Wei (魏文青)
Feng Liu (刘 峰)
*, Peng Yuan (袁 鹏)
, Jingui Ma (马金贵)
, Li Zhao (赵 利)
Xiaohui Yuan (远晓辉)
**, and Jie Zhang (张 杰)
State Key Laboratory of Surface Physics and Department of Physics, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China
Key Laboratory for Laser Plasmas (MoE) and School of Physics and Astronomy, Shanghai Jiao Tong University,
Shanghai 200240, China
Collaborative Innovation Center of IFSA (CICIFSA), Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
*Corresponding author: xiaohui.yuan@sjtu.edu.cn; **corresponding author: liuf001@sjtu.edu.cn
Received August 31, 2017; accepted October 20, 2017; posted online December 2, 2017
The femtosecond laser pulses reflected from the self-induced plasma mirror (PM) surface are characterized. More
than two orders of magnitude improvement on intensity contrast both in nanosecond and picosecond temporal
scales are measured. The far-field distribution, i.e., focusability, is measured to degrade in comparison with that
without using a PM. Experiments on proton accelerations are performed to test the effect of the balance between
degraded focusability and increased reflectivity. Our results show that PM is an effective and robust device to
improve laser contrast for applications.
OCIS codes: 320.5540, 320.7080, 350.5400.
doi: 10.3788/COL201816.013201.
Ultrashort high-power laser pulses based on chirped
pulse amplification (CPA) technology can now be tightly
focused up to an intensity of 10
, which paves
the way to study experimentally laser-matter interactions
in the extreme regime
. However, almost all the aspects of
laser-solid interactions are essentially sensitive to the ini-
tial target conditions, which are greatly influenced by the
temporal profile of the laser pulses
. Three types of noise
sources precede the main peak pulse: the amplified spon-
taneous emission (ASE) generated from a high gain am-
plifier on the nanosecond (ns) temporal scale, the rising
edge of the main pulse in tens of picosecond (ps) due to
residual spectral chirp, and femtosecond (fs) prepulses
in tens of ns produced by the non-ideal optics in the laser
chain. The pedestal (ASE and rising edge) and prepulses
may be intense enough to ionize the target and produce a
plasma state at the target surface when the focused laser
intensity is very high
. The expanding preplasma greatly
affects the laser propagation and energy absorption
. The
ablation pressure may launch a shock wave into the target
and deform the rear surface
. If the target is sufficiently
thin, expansion of the target rear surface or target disas-
sembly can arise. These processes will have determinative
impacts on laser-driven particle acceleration
and novel
radiation source development
. Therefore, improving the
temporal contrast, defined as the intensity ratio of the
noise sources to the main peak, is important for various
Among a number of contrast enhancement methods
the plasma mirror (PM)
could be incorporated into the
experimental setup to increase the on-target contrast by
more than two orders of magnitude. These PM systems
were usually characterized for ASE pedestal temporal
contrast on a subnanosecond time scale, however the ns
temporal contrast was not sufficiently studied in larger
temporal windows up to tens of ns, especially for ultrashort
prepulses from tens of ns in advance.
In this Letter, we report on setup of a PM system in our
laser facility and the characterization of reflected pulses
with an incoming laser having two ultrashort prepulses
tens of ns prior to the main peak. The far field and the
reflectivity of the beam were characterized. A proton
acceleration experiment was performed to evaluate the
performance of the PM system. The accelerated proton
profiles suggest that the PM is an effective and robust tool
to improve the laser contrast.
The experiments were carried out using the 200 TW
Ti:sapphire laser at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. The
schematic of the PM setup with a suite of characterizing
diagnostics and its application to proton generation are
shown in Fig.
1. In this study, the laser pulse energy is
1.8 0.1 J before going through the PM system and
the pulse duration is 25 fs at full width at half-maximum
(FWHM). An f ∕10 off-axis parabola (OAP1) mirror was
used to focus the p-polarized beam onto an antireflective-
coated polished fused silica glass (PM) at an incident angle
of 10°. The PM preionization reflectivity is less than 0.5%.
To ease the alignment, a small part of the mirror was
coated with silver to allow higher reflectivity at low incom-
ing laser energy. The intensity I
on the PM was varied
from 2 × 10
to 2.6 × 10
by changing the beam
size on the surface, so that the prepulses and the ASE
below the ionization threshold could be transmitted and
hence rejected. After the PM, the specularly reflected
divergent beam was recollimated by another identical
OAP mirror (OAP2), which was further reflected by a
COL 16(1), 013201(2018) CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS January 10, 2018
1671-7694/2018/013201(4) 013201-1 © 2018 Chinese Optics Letters