
0 下载量 131 浏览量 更新于2024-03-28 收藏 733KB DOCX 举报
The document "全新版大学英语第二版听说教程1答案.docx" contains answers to Unit 1 of Book I (《大学英语》全新版) of the textbook. The unit focuses on basic communicative functions and introduces common phrases and expressions used in daily conversations. Topics covered include greetings, introductions, and talking about oneself and others. In Part A of the unit, students are introduced to phrases such as "How are you?" and "I'd like you to meet my classmate." They also learn how to introduce someone to others and respond to introductions. The exercises in the unit ask students to practice using these phrases in different contexts. The exercises in the document provide suggested answers to questions about the interests and activities of two individuals, China and Virginia. Students are asked to identify information about each person's background, hobbies, and English learning experience. The exercises help students practice reading and listening skills while learning new vocabulary and sentence structures. Overall, the unit aims to help students improve their speaking and listening skills in English by providing practice with common conversational expressions and vocabulary. By completing the exercises in the document, students can gain confidence in using English in everyday interactions.
2023-06-10 上传