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"Practical Windows Forensics.pdf" 这本书《Practical Windows Forensics》深入探讨了在当前网络安全威胁日益增长的背景下,如何利用数字取证技术来追踪和分析针对政府、军事、金融和媒体行业的重大网络攻击。无论您在信息安全领域的经验水平如何,这本书都旨在全面介绍数字取证的基本概念和技术。 首先,书中介绍了数字取证流程的基本原理,包括证据的收集、保护和分析。这些步骤对于确保调查的合法性和结果的可靠性至关重要。作者Ayman Shaaban和Konstantin Sapronov会引导读者理解如何在不破坏证据的情况下进行有效的现场调查。 接着,书中的内容涵盖了对Windows系统进行实时分析的方法,这是在系统仍在运行时获取关键信息的关键步骤。这部分可能会涉及内存分析、进程检查和其他与操作系统交互的技术,以便在不关闭系统的情况下收集到最完整的数据。 此外,书中详细讲解了分析稳定数据(非易失性数据)和瞬态数据(易失性数据)的不同技术。非易失性数据通常存储在硬盘或其他持久存储设备上,而瞬态数据如内存中的信息则需要快速捕获,因为一旦系统关闭或重启,这些信息就可能丢失。作者会介绍一系列工具和策略,帮助读者掌握如何从这两种类型的数据中提取有价值的信息。 书中的学习目标包括: 1. 掌握Windows系统取证的基本流程和方法。 2. 学习如何使用特定工具进行实时分析,以获取系统运行状态下的关键信息。 3. 熟悉分析稳定和易失性数据的技巧,包括内存分析。 4. 了解如何有效地组合不同类型的证据,以支持调查和法庭呈现。 5. 探讨在实际案例中应用这些技术和工具的案例研究。 通过阅读本书,读者将能够提升在Windows环境下的数字取证能力,更好地应对和解决网络犯罪问题。尽管书中可能会提及一些商标信息,但请注意,作者和出版商不承担因使用书中信息导致的任何直接或间接损害的责任。
2016-08-01 上传
Leverage the power of digital forensics for Windows systems About This Book Build your own lab environment to analyze forensic data and practice techniques. This book offers meticulous coverage with an example-driven approach and helps you build the key skills of performing forensics on Windows-based systems using digital artifacts. It uses specific open source and Linux-based tools so you can become proficient at analyzing forensic data and upgrade your existing knowledge. Who This Book Is For This book targets forensic analysts and professionals who would like to develop skills in digital forensic analysis for the Windows platform. You will acquire proficiency, knowledge, and core skills to undertake forensic analysis of digital data. Prior experience of information security and forensic analysis would be helpful. You will gain knowledge and an understanding of performing forensic analysis with tools especially built for the Windows platform. What You Will Learn Perform live analysis on victim or suspect Windows systems locally or remotely Understand the different natures and acquisition techniques of volatile and non-volatile data. Create a timeline of all the system actions to restore the history of an incident. Recover and analyze data from FAT and NTFS file systems. Make use of various tools to perform registry analysis. Track a system user's browser and e-mail activities to prove or refute some hypotheses. Get to know how to dump and analyze computer memory. In Detail Over the last few years, the wave of the cybercrime has risen rapidly. We have witnessed many major attacks on the governmental, military, financial, and media sectors. Tracking all these attacks and crimes requires a deep understanding of operating system operations, how to extract evident data from digital evidence, and the best usage of the digital forensic tools and techniques. Regardless of your level of experience in the field of