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"本文提出了一种局部二值模式(LBP)操作的完整建模方法,并发展了关联的完整LBP(CLBP)方案,用于纹理分类。通过局部差异符号幅度变换(LDSMT),一个局部区域由其中心像素表示,并转化为CLBP-Center(CLBP_C)的二进制码。LDSMT将图像的局部差异分解为两个互补组件:符号和幅度,进而提出了CLBP-Sign(CLBP_S)和CLBP-Magnitude(CLBP_M)两个操作器来编码它们。传统的LBP相当于CLBP中的CLBP_S部分,研究表明CLBP_S比CLBP_M保留了更多的局部结构信息,解释了为什么简单的LBP操作器可以较好地提取纹理特征。通过联合或混合CLBP_S、CLBP_M和CLBP_C的特征分布,可以显著提高旋转不变纹理分类的效果。关键词包括:局部二值模式,旋转不变性,纹理分类,CLBP,LDSMT。" 文章详细说明了CLBP在纹理分类中的应用和改进。LBP是一种常用的纹理分析和特征提取方法,它通过比较像素邻域内的灰度差异并将这些差异转化为二进制码来表达纹理特征。然而,原始的LBP方法在处理旋转变化的纹理时存在不足。为了解决这一问题,文章提出了CLBP,一种更全面的LBP模型。 CLBP的核心是通过LDSMT来表征图像的局部差异。LDSMT将图像的局部差异分解为两个方面:符号和幅度。CLBP_S编码的是符号信息,而CLBP_M编码的是幅度信息。作者指出,CLBP_S保留了更多关于局部结构的信息,这是原始LBP能够成功提取纹理特征的关键原因。同时,CLBP_M虽然包含幅度信息,但在保持旋转不变性方面可能略逊一筹。 为了进一步提升分类性能,研究者将CLBP_S、CLBP_M和CLBP_C的特征结合,创建了联合或混合分布。这种策略允许模型更好地捕捉纹理的多样性和复杂性,从而在旋转不变纹理分类任务中实现显著的性能提升。 该论文提出的CLBP方法不仅扩展了LBP的理论框架,还提供了一个更强大的工具来处理纹理分类问题,尤其是在应对旋转变化时。这对于图像分析和计算机视觉领域有着重要的实际应用价值,特别是在人脸识别和其他依赖纹理特征识别的任务中。

INFO: Local Domain Name: WARNING: No Local Domain found, setting to whatever first domain is available INFO: Local Domain set to: WARNING: No Domain found, skipping Same Domain validation INFO: Validating for Local Node existence INFO: Checking for local node existence in the list of public nodes INFO: Validating for Duplicates INFO: Validating for Duplicates in the table INFO: Verifying setup for installer validations INFO: Overall status of CVU API call:OPERATION_FAILED SEVERE: [FATAL] [INS-30132] Initial setup required for the execution of installer validations failed on nodes: yxyddb-rac-01 CAUSE: Indicated nodes were not reachable or failed to access the temporary location on the indicated nodes. ACTION: Ensure that all the indicated nodes are reachable and current user has required permissions to access the temporary location on all the indicated nodes. INFO: Advice is ABORT INFO: Adding ExitStatus INVALID_USER_INPUT to the exit status set INFO: Completed validating state <CRSNodeInformationUI> INFO: Terminating all background operations INFO: Terminated all background operations WARNING: A log of this session is currently saved as: /tmp/OraInstall2023-06-05_06-26-29PM/installActions2023-06-05_06-26-29PM.log. Oracle recommends that if you want to keep this log, you should move it from the temporary location to a more permanent location. INFO: Finding the most appropriate exit status for the current application INFO: Exit Status is -2 INFO: Shutdown Oracle Grid Infrastructure

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7.3.1 Suzuki–Kasami Algorithm This algorithm is defined for a completely connected network of processes. It assumes that initially an arbitrary process has the token. A process i that does not have the token but wants to enter its CS broadcasts a request (i, num), where num is sequence number of that request. The algorithm guarantees that eventually process i receives the token. Every process i maintains an array req[0.. n − 1] of integers, where req[j] designates the sequence number of the latest request received from process j. Note that although every process receives a request, only one process (which currently has the token) can grant the token. As a result, some pending requests become stale or outdated. An important issue in this algorithm is to identify and discard these stale requests. To accomplish this, each process uses the following two additional data structures that are passed on with the token by its current holder: • An array last[0.. n − 1] of integers, where last[k] = r implies that during its last visit to its CS, process k has completed its rth trip • A queue Q containing the identifiers of processes with pending requests When a process i receives a request with a sequence number num from process k, it updates req[k] to max(req[k], num), so that req[k] now represents the most recent request from process k. A process holding the token must guarantee (before passing it to another process) that its Q contains the most recent requests. To satisfy this requirement, when a process i receives a token from another process, it executes the following steps: • It copies its num into last[i]. • For each process k, process i retains process k’s name in its local queue Q only if 1 + last[k] = req[k] (this establishes that the request from process k is a recent one). • Process i completes the execution of its CS codes. • If Q is nonempty, then it forwards the token to the process at the head of Q after deleting its entry. To enter the CS, a process sends (n − 1) requests and receives one message containing the token. The total number of messages required to complete one visit to its CS is thus (n − 1) + 1 = n. Readers are referred to [SK85] for a proof of this algorithm理解Suzuki-Kasami算法,并回答如下问题: 算法是如何辨别和丢弃过时的请求的,或者说为什么要求1 + last[k] = req[k]?

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