PHYSICAL REVIEW A 91, 043412 (2015)
Experimental observation of saddle points over the quantum control landscape of a two-spin system
Qiuyang Sun,
an Pelczer,
Gregory Riviello,
Re-Bing Wu,
and Herschel Rabitz
Department of Chemistry, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544, USA
Department of Automation, Tsinghua University and Center for Quantum Information Science and Technology,
TNList, Beijing 100084, China
(Received 21 August 2014; published 17 April 2015)
The growing successes in performing quantum control experiments motivated the development of control
landscape analysis as a basis to explain these findings. When a quantum system is controlled by an electromagnetic
field, the observable as a functional of the control field forms a landscape. Theoretical analyses have predicted
the existence of critical points over the landscapes, including saddle points with indefinite Hessians. This paper
presents a systematic experimental study of quantum control landscape saddle points. Nuclear magnetic resonance
control experiments are performed on a coupled two-spin system in a
C-labeled chloroform (
) sample.
We address the saddles with a combined theoretical and experimental approach, measure the Hessian at each
identified saddle point, and study how their presence can influence the search effort utilizing a gradient algorithm
to seek an optimal control outcome. The results have significance beyond spin systems, as landscape saddles are
expected to be present for the control of broad classes of quantum systems.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.91.043412 PACS number(s): 32.80.Qk, 37.10.Jk
The control of quantum phenomena is gathering increasing
interest for fundamental reasons and potential applications.
Quantum system optimal control is concerned with active
manipulation of physical and chemical processes at the atomic
and molecular scale, such as creation of particular molecular
vibrational excitations, selective breaking of chemical bonds,
and manipulation of electron transport in nanoscale devices
(see [1] for a review). The control objective is generally
addressed through the introduction of a semiclassical elec-
tromagnetic field whose shape is honed for the particular
application. The generally successful outcomes of optimal
control experiments and the extensive simulations on model
systems suggest that while searching through the vast space
of possible control fields it is relatively easy to find good
solutions. Seeking a fundamental explanation for this good for-
tune motivated the development of quantum control landscape
analysis [2–4], which provides quantitative predictions on the
landscape features that can be assessed in the laboratory. For
laser field manipulation of atomic, molecular, or condensed
phase systems, various experimental complexities can make
quantitative testing of landscape principles challenging. The
advanced nature of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) instru-
mentation producing high signal-to-noise ratios (S/N) provides
ideal laboratory circumstances for testing the predictions from
control landscape analysis. In this work we will utilize these
capabilities for the study of a control landscape in a two-spin
system which possesses saddle points.
In quantum control applications, the system evolution
is governed by a time-dependent Hamiltonian including an
applied electromagnetic field. The amplitudes, phases, and/or
frequencies of the field can be modulated to meet the control
objective, i.e., maximizing or minimizing an experimental
measurable objective J at the target time T . The time interval
T is conventionally chosen to be sufficiently long to permit
unfettered control, while being short enough to consider the
dynamics to form a closed system. The functional dependence
of J upon the control field forms a control landscape, whose
topology, especially the distribution of critical points, may
determine the effectiveness of a search for an optimal control.
A critical point is defined as a location on the landscape
where the gradient (the first functional derivative of J with
respect to the control) is zero for t ∈ [0,T ]. An analysis of
the Hessian matrix (second derivative of J ) can identify the
intrinsic topological character at a critical point [4]: a negative
(or positive) semidefinite Hessian indicates that the critical
point is locally maximal (or minimal) to second order, while
an indefinite Hessian is associated with a saddle point.
Upon satisfaction of some underlying assumptions (see
Sec. II for details), control landscape analysis predicts that the
critical points only exist at particular values of the objective J
and that there are no local suboptimal maxima or minima
(traps) over the landscape; i.e., the critical points located
between the global maximum and minimum, if any, have
to be saddle points [3]. Another important conclusion is the
low rank of the Hessian at critical points; i.e., there exists a
specific maximum number of positive and negative eigenval-
ues dependent on the nature of the quantum system and the
control problem [4]. Many of the theoretical predictions have
been successfully tested in large numbers of simulations [5,6],
but experimental affirmation in the laboratory is important
for fundamental and practical reasons. A laser experiment on
pure state transitions in atomic rubidium was found consistent
with expectations in terms of the Hessian structure at the
global minimum and maximum of the landscape [7], and as
a foundation for the present paper we explored the control
landscape for a proton spin-1/2 two-level system [8]. The
landscapes in both of the two latter works are devoid of saddle
points. Thus, in order to fully test the predictions provided
by landscape theoretical analysis we have to consider other
more complex quantum systems with the simple example in
this paper being a coupled two-spin system.
NMR provides a desirable domain for studying fundamen-
tal properties of quantum control due to the simple and well-
defined Hamiltonians involved, slow relaxation, high signal-
to-noise ratio, etc. [8]. The dynamical process underlying
NMR can be viewed as the manipulation of magnetization
1050-2947/2015/91(4)/043412(9) 043412-1 ©2015 American Physical Society