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In 2009, the New York Times published an article titled "The Cost of Smarts," which delved into the implications of research on animal intelligence on humans. The article drew attention to the idea that intelligence comes at a high cost and that humans need to be mindful of this cost as they pursue higher intelligence. The article also suggested that humans should leave time for the natural world and life itself amidst their quest for wisdom. The article sparked a reflective analysis of the human pursuit of intelligence and its consequences. It questioned the implications of research on animal intelligence on our understanding of human intelligence and urged for a balanced approach to the pursuit of wisdom. The article's insights shed light on the importance of giving consideration to the cost of intelligence and the need for humans to find a harmonious balance in their pursuit of knowledge. The article's references to research on animal intelligence, particularly fruit fly experiments described by Carl Zimmer, underscored the importance of acknowledging the intelligence of other species and the potential impact of human actions on the natural world. The article's message resonated with readers, prompting them to reconsider their approach to intelligence and the inherent value of wisdom in the broader context of life on Earth. Overall, the article presented a thought-provoking perspective on the cost of intelligence, drawing from research on animal intelligence to highlight the need for a more conscientious approach to the pursuit of knowledge. It served as a reminder to humans to appreciate the natural world and the interconnectedness of all living beings, encouraging them to tread carefully in their quest for wisdom. The article offered valuable insights that challenged the conventional notions of intelligence and urged for a more holistic and mindful approach to the acquisition of knowledge.