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"这篇论文研究了镍纳米结构中2p3/2和3d5/2能级随尺寸变化的现象,以及这种变化背后的物理机制,包括由断裂键引起的局部应变和量子陷阱效应。作者通过在二氧化钛基底上沉积镍纳米结构,并利用 Auger 光电子巧合谱(Auger photoelectron coincidence spectroscopy, APECS)技术进行实验测量。通过分析Auger动能EK与APECS相关的L线和M线之间的关联,揭示了Auger参数的能量位移是M层能量位移的两倍。结合带理论、APECS技术和债券长度强度(Bond Order-Length-Strength, BOLS)相关机制,论文估算了孤立镍原子的能级及其在体材料中的转变。" 在这篇名为"Size-induced 2p3/2 and 3d5/2 energy levels shift of Ni nanostructures: Broken-bond-induced local strain and quantum trapping"的论文中,作者孙长庆探讨了镍纳米结构中2p3/2和3d5/2能级随着结构尺寸变化的规律。镍纳米结构在TiO2基底上的沉积提供了研究的理想平台,因为纳米结构的尺寸效应在这个体系中尤为明显。 利用Auger光电子巧合谱技术,研究者能够精确测量L(2p3/2)和M(3d5/2)能级的位移。Auger谱是一种强大的表征工具,可以提供关于材料内部电子结构的信息。实验发现,Auger参数(即Auger动能和L线能量的总和)的能量位移是M层能量位移的两倍,这表明尺寸变化对镍纳米结构的电子态产生了显著影响。 论文的核心在于将这种能量位移归因于两种主要机制:一是断裂键诱导的局部应变,二是量子陷阱效应。前者涉及到纳米结构中相邻原子键合的破坏,导致局域应力分布改变,进而影响电子能级;后者则是由于量子限制效应,使得电子在有限尺寸的纳米结构中表现出特有的能量状态。 通过结合带理论,作者能够理论地再现实验观测到的能级变化,进一步估算了孤立镍原子的能级和其在体材料中的变化。BOLS相关机制在此起到了关键作用,它关联了键的强度、长度和序,帮助解释了尺寸依赖性能级位移的原因。 这篇论文深入研究了镍纳米结构中电子结构的尺寸敏感性,为理解纳米材料的电子性质和设计新型纳米器件提供了重要的理论依据。这种研究对于优化纳米材料的性能、开发新的量子计算和能源应用具有重要意义。

润色下面英文:The controlled drug delivery systems, due to their precise control of drug release in spatiotemporal level triggered by specific stimulating factors and advantages such as higher utilization ratio of drug, less side-effects to normal tissues and so forth, provide a new strategy for the precise treatment of many serious diseases, especially tumors. The materials that constitute the controlled drug delivery systems are called “smart materials” and they can respond to the stimuli of some internal (pH, redox, enzymes, etc.) or external (temperature, electrical/magnetic, ultrasonic and optical, etc.) environments. Before and after the response to the specific stimulus, the composition or conformational of smart materials will be changed, damaging the original balance of the delivery systems and releasing the drug from the delivery systems. Amongst them, the photo-controlled drug delivery systems, which display drug release controlled by light, demonstrated extensive potential applications, and received wide attention from researchers. In recent years, photo-controlled drug delivery systems based on different photo-responsive groups have been designed and developed for precise photo-controlled release of drugs. Herein, in this review, we introduced four photo-responsive groups including photocleavage groups, photoisomerization groups, photo-induced rearrangement groups and photocrosslinking groups, and their different photo-responsive mechanisms. Firstly, the photocleavage groups represented by O-nitrobenzyl are able to absorb the energy of the photons, inducing the cleavage of some specific covalent bonds. Secondly, azobenzenes, as a kind of photoisomerization groups, are able to convert reversibly between the apolar trans form and the polar cis form upon different light irradiation. Thirdly, 2-diazo-1,2-naphthoquinone as the representative of the photo-induced rearrangement groups will absorb specific photon energy, carrying out Wolff rearrangement reaction. Finally, coumarin is a promising category photocrosslinking groups that can undergo [2+2] cycloaddition reactions under light irradiation. The research progress of photo-controlled drug delivery systems based on different photo-responsive mechanisms were mainly reviewed. Additionally, the existing problems and the future research perspectives of photo-controlled drug delivery systems were proposed.

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