精通Delphi:探索Object Pascal与FireMonkey 3D编程

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"Expert Delphi.pdf 是一本深入探讨Delphi编程技术的书籍,涵盖了从基础到高级的各种主题,旨在帮助开发者提升在Delphi环境下的专业技能。书中详细讲解了Delphi的安装、编译器与工具链,以及如何构建首个Hello World应用程序。此外,它还涉及到了移动设备的部署,让开发者能够将应用扩展到不同平台。 在语言部分,书中的第二章深入介绍了Object Pascal语言,这对于理解Delphi的基础至关重要。读者将学习到Object Pascal的关键特性和常用语法,以及如何利用它来构建面向对象的程序。 第三章则聚焦于Delphi的工具箱,涵盖了并行编程库的使用,文件操作,以及两种重要的数据交换格式——JSON和XML。这部分内容将帮助开发者掌握处理数据和实现高效代码的技巧。 第四章围绕FireMonkey框架展开,这是一个跨平台的UI开发工具。读者将学习如何在代码中进行绘图,使用计时器,理解组件的父子关系,实现触摸交互,并通过一个Memory游戏实例进一步实践这些概念。 第五章深入3D编程领域,介绍如何利用FireMonkey创建跨平台的3D渲染效果。内容包括使用Context3D,自定义线框组件,操作3D物体,制作动态地球效果,构建互动3D场景,以及整合3D和2D元素。这部分将提升开发者在3D图形领域的技能。 最后,在第六章中,作者探讨了如何构建具有风格的用户界面。这一章详细阐述了如何利用内置样式,创建自定义样式,以及将样式嵌入为资源。此外,还讲解了如何定制样式以满足特定项目需求,使开发者能设计出更具吸引力的用户界面。 总体而言,《Expert Delphi》为想要精通Delphi编程的开发者提供了一个全面的学习路径,无论你是初学者还是有经验的程序员,都能从中受益。通过这本书,你可以掌握从基础到高级的Delphi技术,包括安装设置、编程语言、跨平台UI设计、3D图形编程以及用户界面定制等多个方面,全面提升自己的Delphi开发能力。"
2018-03-16 上传
Context: 1: Fasten Your Seat Belts 'Chapter 1: Fasten Your Seat Belts' 'Delphi installation' 'Delphi compilers and toolchains' 'Hello World app' 'Deploying to mobile devices' 'Summary' 2: Mind Your Language 'Chapter 2: Mind Your Language' 'Do you speak Object Pascal?' 'Object Pascal Phrase Book' 'Summary' 3: Packing Up Your Toolbox 'Chapter 3: Packing Up Your Toolbox' 'Parallel Programming Library' 'Working with files' 'JSON' 'XML' 'Summary' 4: Playing with FireMonkey 'Chapter 4: Playing with FireMonkey' 'Drawing in code' 'Get moving with timers' 'The power of parenting' 'Touch me' 'Game of Memory' 'Summary' 5: FireMonkey in 3D 'Chapter 5: FireMonkey in 3D' 'Cross-platform 3D rendering' 'Using Context3D' 'Custom Wireframe component''Objects 3D' 'Moving Earth' 'Building an interactive 3D scene' 'Using 3D models' 'Starfield simulation' 'Mixing 3D and 2D' 'Summary' 6: Building User Interfaces with Style 'Chapter 6: Building User Interfaces with Style' 'Working with built-in styles' 'Using custom styles' 'Embedding styles as resources' 'Customizing styles' 'Using frames' 'Working with inherited views' 'Previewing forms on devices' 'Summary' 7: Working with Mobile Operating System 'Chapter 7: Working with Mobile Operating System' 'James Bond's toy' 'What I'm running on?' 'The life of an app' 'Sensing the world' 'Taking photos' 'Using share sheets' 'Camera, light, action!' 'Working with address book' 'Notify me!' 'Navigating the we' 'Working with maps' 'Creating and consuming Android services' 'Delphi language bridges' 'Summary' 8: Extending to the Internet of Things 'Chapter 8: Extending to the Internet of Things' 'Communication protocols' 'Understanding BLE''Connecting to things with ThingConnect' 'Getting close with beacons' 'Proximity solutions with BeaconFence' 'App tethering' 'Summary' 9: Embedding Databases 'Chapter 9: Embedding Databases' 'Architecting data-driven apps' 'Modeling data' 'Choosing a database' 'Accessing databases with FireDAC' 'Building data-driven user interface' 'Using visual live bindings' 'Fast user interface prototyping' 'Summary' 10: Integrating with Web Services 'Chapter 10: Integrating with Web Services' 'Understanding web services' 'Native HTTP client' 'Consuming XML SOAP web services' 'Integrating with REST services' 'Backend as a service client' 'Integrating with the cloud' 'Summary' 11: Building Mobile Backends 'Chapter 11: Building Mobile Backends' 'Delphi and multi-tier architectures' 'Getting low-level with WebBroker' 'Do it yourself with DataSnap' 'Easy REST API publishing with RAD Server' 'Summary' 12: App Deployment 'Chapter 12: App Deployment' 'Deploying to App Stores' 'Enhancing your apps' 'Summary' 13: The Road Ahead'Chapter 13: The Road Ahead' 'What we have learned' 'Staying on top of everything' 'Your next Delphi mobile app' 'Summary'