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VR-Forces Capabilities
Simulating Behavior
• Intelligence Models - A master scenario event list (MSEL) is used to present situational informa-
tion to the simulation operators. Events can be triggered by time, other event, or manually. Situa-
tional events can contain text, audio, images, or video. Events are available on the network and can
be sent to external role player systems.
• Communications Models - The communications model is used to send messages between simula-
tion objects, with options to model communication degradation by the network infrastructure.
Simulating Behavior
VR-Forces is a flexible framework for simulating objects and their interactions with the environment
and other simulation objects.
These behaviors give VR-Forces simulation objects a level of autonomy to react to the rest of the simu-
lation on their own. This saves you from having to script their behavior in detail. The autonomous
behaviors include:
• Using sensors to detect other simulation objects.
• Attacking enemy simulation objects on contact, based on the current rules of engagement.
• Sending and receiving spot reports through the simulated radio networks.
• Entity activity like “wander about” and “flee from something”.
• Identifying obstructions to movement and moving around them.
• Advanced navigation using Autodesk Gameware Navigation software.
Entities and Units
VR-Forces simulates at the entity level or the aggregate level depending on which simulation model set
(SMS) you use. Entities or units form the basic units of the simulation and are composed of models
that collectively represent units at all echelons, vehicles in all domains (air, land, sea, space), munitions,
cultural objects, and lifeforms.
The specific capabilities of entities and units are defined within entity definitions, which are organized
within Simulation Model Sets (SMSs). VR-Forces comes with two pre-defined simulation model sets:
an aggregate-level SMS, which defines aggregate-level simulation object models and an entity-level
SMS, which defines entity-level models (platforms, humans, and munitions).
Entities can function independently or collaboratively, such as:
• Embedding - This is the ability for a host entity to deploy other types of entities that it might typi-
cally carry. (Example: a ship that can deploy helicopters to dip sonobuoys.) Embedded entities
simplify the planning of scenarios by allowing users to ignore the embedded entities until that part
of the scenario where they need to be deployed. Compared to embarked entities, scenario devel-
opers do not have to create and embark the entities during scenario creation and the deployment
and recovery process can be automated. Embedded entities also increase network performance by
not sending out messages until they are deployed and independent of the host entity.
• Embarkation - Embarkation is the ability for one entity to embark on (or attach to) another
entity. Embarkation ensures that closely coupled entities, like a person driving a car, or the heli-
copter on the deck of a ship, or a missile loaded onto an airplane, all share a common frame of