
需积分: 0 0 下载量 56 浏览量 更新于2024-03-12 收藏 159KB PDF 举报
安全可信基础知识介绍初稿发布;安全可信基础知识介绍,包括安全启动、可信度量、加密机制,以及ARM、INTEL、Hygon的安全可信机制简介。TheCacheBenchReportPhilipJ.MucciKevinLondonmucci@cs.utk.edulondon@cs.utk.eduMarch19981IntroductionCacheBenchisabenchmarkdesignedtoevaluatetheperformanceofthememoryhierarchyofcomputersystems.Itsspeci�cfocusistoparameterizetheperformanceofpossiblymultiplelevelsofcachepresentonando�theprocessor.Byperformance,wemeanrawbandwidthinmegabytespersecond.Ofinteresttousistheabilityofthecachetosustainlarge,unit-stride,�oatingpointworkloads.1.1CacheArchitectureCachesareessentiallyverysmall,highspeedmemoriesde; The description provided outlines the release of an initial draft for introducing fundamental concepts of security and trust, which includes secure booting, trusted measurement, encryption mechanisms, and a brief overview of security and trust mechanisms in ARM, INTEL, and Hygon processors. Additionally, the report introduces the CacheBench benchmark, which is designed to assess the memory hierarchy performance of computer systems, with a specific focus on parameterizing the performance of multiple cache levels on the processor. The performance metrics are measured in terms of raw bandwidth in megabytes per second, with a particular interest in the cache's ability to sustain large, unit-stride, floating-point workloads. The report also delves into a discussion of cache architecture, emphasizing their small size and high-speed nature. This initial draft serves as a comprehensive introduction to essential security and trust concepts as well as a performance benchmarking tool for computing systems.