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wever, they hope to use the network anytime and anywhere safely. Therefore, wireless networks are gradually entering people's lives with their characteristics of mobility, easy installation, and easy expansion. But the security issues caused by these characteristics of wireless networks are also significant. This paper mainly studies the security issues of wireless local area networks from the perspective of traffic monitoring. By using wireless network cracking tools and designing penetration experiments, the security of wireless encryption methods WEP and WPA is studied by combining theory with practice, and how attackers break seemingly strict security measures. At the same time, it can be understood how attackers attack and the principles of the attacks. By understanding the attack angles, users can adjust their security measures in a timely manner to make them more effective and targeted. This paper focuses on the relationship between wireless local area network traffic monitoring and cracking WEP and WPA keys, and provides rational suggestions for security settings in wireless local area networks. Key words: wireless local area network, traffic, encryption, network security.